- AAA Tasks Catalogue
- Delete private templates in public cloud
- Activate datastore tiers for a VM template
- Activate hardware profiles for a VM template
- Add tags to a VM template
- Configure template publishers in Azure
- Copy a VM template
- Create a VM template from an uploaded file
- Create instances to save VM disks to templates
- Delete a VM Template
- Display all VM templates in the Apps library
- Display virtual appliance specs in the Apps library
- Display VM templates in public cloud
- Display VM templates in the Apps library
- Download templates from a remote template repository
- Edit template Advanced tab
- Edit template Advanced tab in public cloud
- Enable guest setup for a VM template
- Enable hot add and reconfigure for VM templates
- Export VM templates to datacenters and public cloud
- Filter templates for creating VMs
- Filter templates in public cloud
- Import templates to the Apps library in public cloud
- Manage instance templates in datacenters
- Manage instance templates in public cloud
- Manage Persistent VM Templates
- Manage template disk conversions
- Modify a Template for Public Cloud
- Modify a virtual machine template
- Modify a virtual machine template in public cloud
- Modify VM template disks
- Organize VM Templates into Categories
- Promote an instance to master template
- Recommend datastore tiers for VM templates
- Restrict CPU and RAM from VM templates
- Save a template to a volume to create a persistent VM template
- Set VM template prices
- Share VM templates
- Troubleshoot VM template creation
- Troubleshoot VM template uploads
- Upload an ISO disk from the local filesystem
- Upload a template disk from the local filesystem
- Upload OVA templates from the local filesystem
- Use a saved template in private cloud
- AAA Tasks Configuration
- AAA Tasks Home
- Display of allocation limits on the dashboard
- Display dashboard metrics user
- Allow users to manage dashboards
- Display the dashboard for another tenant
- Add widgets to a dashboard
- Display enterprise statistics on the Enterprise resources widget
- Generate public cloud billing data
- Create a dashboard
- Display billing data on billing widgets
- Configure billing dashboard
- Configure widget default threshholds
- Resize dashboard widgets
- AAA Tasks Infrastructure
- Add multiple datastores to a service level
- Administer VMs in infrastructure
- Allow a tenant to use datastore tiers in a datacenter
- Allow a tenant to use hardware profiles
- Automatic management of hardware profiles
- Classify hardware profiles in private cloud
- Configure datacenters before you add hypervisors
- Control VMs running on servers
- Create a datastore tier
- Create a device to define a network virtualization system
- Create a hardware profile
- Create an alarm on infrastructure
- Create an NFS storage device
- Create labels for networks and hypervisor NICs
- Create racks
- Create servers
- Define access to datastore tiers
- Delete a rack
- Delete a server
- Disable a physical machine
- Display allocation rules
- Display datastore tiers
- Display hardware profiles
- Display infrastructure details
- Display infrastructure map
- Display infrastructure statistics
- Display persistent storage in infrastructure
- Display racks and physical machines
- Edit a device
- Manage Remote Services
- Modify a rack
- Modify a server
- Prevent users from working with a hardware profile
- Priority of default storage service levels with datastore tiers
- Put a hypervisor host in maintenance mode
- Recommend datastore tiers for a template
- Redirect deployments with allocation rules
- Reserve a server for an enterprise
- Reserve physical machines for a tenant and restrict deployments
- Restrict tenants from sharing servers
- Retrieve VMs from a physical machine
- Send email notifications about VMs or servers
- Set prices for hardware profiles
- Set the default datastore tier for a template disk
- Set the default datastore tier for the datacenter
- Set the default datastore tier for the virtual datacenter
- Synchronize hardware profiles with a provider
- Relocate a deployed VM to another host
- AAA Tasks myCloud
- Go back to Virtual datacenters view
- Display all VMs in your VDCs
- Display alarms in virtual datacenters
- Set the default network for a virtual datacenter
- Set a default role to limit tenant access to VDCs in a provider or location
- Limit NAT IP bandwidth for a VDC
- Set a default network for a virtual datacenter
- Onboard from public cloud regions without virtual datacenters
- Move a VM to another virtual datacenter
- Synchronize VDCs and resources
- Obtain an additional NAT IP address for a virtual datacenter
- Change the default SNAT IP for a virtual datacenter
- Add tags to a scaling group
- Add tags to a virtual appliance
- Display global networks
- Connect your virtual datacenter to Azure via VPN
- Move a firewall policy to another VDC
- Set a VDC role to limit user access
- Limit public IP bandwidths for a VDC
- Set default virtual datacenter networks
- Create VDCs with large private subnets
- Create a virtual datacenter with custom networks
- Manage resource allocation limits for a virtual datacenter
- Set a firewall policy as the default for a virtual datacenter
- Create a virtual datacenter
- Edit a virtual datacenter
- Onboard virtual datacenters
- Move a storage volume to another virtual datacenter in public cloud
- Display virtual datacenter networks
- Set the default firewall for a virtual datacenter
- Set virtual datacenter defaults
- Add tags to a firewall
- Add tags to a virtual datacenter
- Add more VMs to a deployed virtual appliance
- Create a global network
- Delete a firewall policy after deleting a VDC
- Display global virtual resources
- AAA Tasks myCloud Network
- Add tags to a load balancer
- Configure a VM with firewall load balancer monitoring
- Create a datacenter load balance rule
- Create a global load balance rule
- Create a load balancer
- Create an application load balancer in AWS
- Delete or release load balancers
- Display load balancers
- Edit an application load balancer to set conditional actions
- Edit load balancers
- Edit virtual machine load balancers
- Onboard and synchronize load balancers from public cloud
- Use a NAT IP address for a load balancer
- AAA Tasks myCloud VM
- AAA Tasks Users
- Display users
- Create tenants
- Assign a scope to restrict administrator access
- Set enterprise properties to store tenant details and metadata
- Change the default scope for enterprise users
- Display prices for your tenant
- Move a user to another tenant
- Allow a tenant to access datacenters and cloud providers
- Create an enterprise
- Create an enterprise scope steps
- Prevent users from editing their account details
- Switch to another tenant
- Display and filter enterprises
- Edit an enterprise
- Create an enterprise using the API
- Manage users in multiple tenants
- Create an enterprise with general information
- Create a cloud tenant
- Create a scope
- Create a scope to share resources
- Assign scopes to create a reseller hierarchy
- Suspend or enable a user account
- Assign scopes
- Configure default credentials for VMs in Azure
- Display connected users
- Add credentials for public cloud
- Restrict user access to the platform by networks
- Create a scope for an administrator
- Control access to Users view elements
- Allow a tenant to use backup policies in a datacenter
- Create a basic enterprise
- Modify a scope
- Create a user
- Create a scope for users or resources
- Assign scopes to share resources
- Add public cloud pricing credentials for a tenant
- Add public cloud credentials for a tenant
- Create a reseller enterprise
- Delete a user
- Filter users
- Allow a tenant to use storage tiers in a datacenter
- Edit your user account details
- Edit your user account details for cloud admin
- Put a user on the notifications list
- Display enterprise resources for a tenant
- Create a tenant administrator user
- Delete an enterprise
- Manually reset a user password
- Create a user to access the cloud provider portal
- Create a scope for a tenant and its users
- Create a user role
- Assign a firewall policy to a VM
- Assign an Availability set to a VM
- Assign a pricing model to an enterprise
- Assign pricing models to enterprises
- Attach storage volumes to a VM
- Automatically configure a scaling group
- Automatically scale VMs
- Cancel VM workflow tasks
- Capture a VM
- Change the configuration of a deployed VM
- Change the sequence of rules in a classic firewall
- Change VM storage boot order
- Configure a key node for multi-tenant data aggregation
- Configure allocation limit messages
- Configure automatic scaling actions
- Configure a VM backup
- Configure a VM before you deploy
- Configure a VM with additional hard disk
- Configure a VM with general details
- Configure a VM with network
- Configure a VM with storage
- Configure Azure VPNs
- Configure Backup Policy Properties
- Configure CPU Cores per Socket
- Configure custom platform messages
- Configure display of events
- Configure NAT for datacenters
- Configure reCAPTCHA for password reset
- Configure remote access in private cloud
- Configure reseller mail accounts
- Configure the default logo and link for the platform
- Configure the pricing estimate message
- Configure VM High Availability
- Configure workflow in the platform
- Connect to a VM
- Control and scaling concepts
- Control onboard of VMs to VApps
- Control resource usage with allocation limits
- Control VMs running in public cloud providers
- Copy or move a virtual appliance in a datacenter
- Create a base reseller hierarchy
- Create a budget
- Create a datacenter
- Create a DNAT rule
- Create a firewall policy
- Create a firewall policy in GCP
- Create alerts to notify users and trigger automation
- Create Amazon and Azure accounts
- Create an account in public cloud for the customer of a reseller
- Create an action plan to automate VM actions
- Create an address range
- Create an alarm
- Create an alert
- Create a NAT network
- Create a NAT rule for DNAT
- Create a NAT rule for SNAT
- Create an availability set
- Create and deploy a VM shortcut
- Create and edit the rules of a classic firewall
- Create a new cost code
- Create a new currency
- Create a new pricing model
- Create an external network
- Create an external network for cross-platform networking
- Create an external network in public cloud
- Create an SNAT rule
- Create a private network
- Create a protection manager for disaster recovery
- Create a public cloud region
- Create a reseller pricing model
- Create a resource group
- Create a spec to save virtual appliance configuration
- Create a storage volume in public cloud
- Create a subnet in GCP
- Create a target group
- Create a trigger for an action plan
- Create automatic scaling actions
- Create a virtual appliance
- Create a virtual appliance based on a spec
- Create a virtual machine
- Create a VM hard disk
- Create backup policies
- Create custom metrics for a virtual appliance
- Create excluded networks to reserve private network ranges
- Create IP addresses in a subnet in GCP
- Create IP addresses in datacenter networks
- Create IP addresses in external networks for vCloud Director
- Create IP addresses in private networks
- Create load level compute rules
- Create load level storage rules
- Create network interfaces in a VM
- Create Persistent Virtual Machines in Datacenters
- Create pricing models for your customers
- Create public networks
- Create public networks for internet addressable IPs
- Create reseller pricing models
- Create static routes
- Create the backup manager for a datacenter
- Create VMs in antiaffinity layers for high availability
- Create VPNs
- Customize emails for guest password
- Customize emails for guest password SMS
- Customize emails for monitoring alert
- Customize emails for two factor authentication
- Customize emails to reset password
- Deallocate or power off a VM in Azure
- Define a scaling group
- Define locations where a spec can be used
- Define the version of a spec to use
- Delete a budget
- Delete a datacenter or public cloud region
- Delete a firewall policy
- Delete an address range
- Delete an alarm
- Delete an external network
- Delete an onboarded external network
- Delete a private network
- Delete a public cloud account
- Delete a public network
- Delete a resource group
- Delete a scaling group
- Delete a storage volume in public cloud
- Delete a virtual appliance
- Delete a virtual appliance spec
- Delete a VM
- Delete firewall policy rules
- Delete or release virtual resources in network virtualization systems
- Delete or release virtual resources in public cloud
- Deploy a virtual appliance
- Deploy a VM from an OVA with parameters
- Deploy errors
- Deploy to launch a VM
- Detach and delete VM storage
- Disable or enable remote access for the platform
- Display action plans
- Display address ranges
- Display alerts
- Display and configure VM storage
- Display a pricing estimate
- Display a pricing estimate message
- Display availability sets
- Display backup policies in datacenters
- Display budgets
- Display classic VMs in public cloud
- Display cloud resources
- Display datacenter networks
- Display events
- Display events view
- Display external networks
- Display firewall policies
- Display metrics for a scaling group
- Display metrics for a virtual appliance
- Display metrics for a VM
- Display NAT rules
- Display network service types
- Display onboarded external networks
- Display or move or restrict or delete VMs
- Display pricing models
- Display protection managers
- Display public IP addresses in a location
- Display public networks
- Display resource groups
- Display scaling actions of a scaling group
- Display secondary IP addresses in OCI
- Display tags on all cloud resources
- Display tags on a resource
- Display tags on a resource with a details panel
- Display tags on a resource without a details panel
- Display the networks of a VM
- Display virtual appliances
- Display virtual resources in cloud locations
- Display VM backup events
- Display VM backup results
- Display VM details
- Display VM errors
- Display VM events
- Display VM initial password
- Display VM metrics
- Display VM workflow tasks
- Edit a budget
- Edit a classic firewall
- Edit a firewall policy
- Edit an alarm
- Edit an enterprise to select a pricing model
- Edit a pricing model
- Edit a private network
- Edit a public network
- Edit firewall policy rules
- Edit private IPs to update the MAC address
- Edit resources in a resource group
- Edit resource tags on a virtual machine
- Edit tags on resources in the provider
- Edit VM network configuration
- Enable two factor authentication
- Enable VM monitoring and metrics
- Filter events
- Filter events admin example
- Filter events user example
- How to create a custom private network gateway
- Inject enterprise properties as VM variables
- List VM scaling group actions
- Make IP addresses available
- Manage public cloud networks
- Manage resources that were deleted directly in the cloud provider
- Manage two factor authentication in the UI
- Manage VApp specs in the user interface
- Manage Virtual Storage in Datacenters
- Modify a Datacenter or a Public Cloud Region
- Modify an external network
- Modify a storage volume in public cloud
- Modify a virtual appliance spec
- Modify a virtual appliance with antiaffinity layers
- Modify VM hard disks
- Modify VM volumes
- Monitor virtual appliances
- Move a scaling group to another virtual appliance
- Move a storage volume to the public cloud region
- Move a VM to another virtual appliance
- Move a VM to a restricted virtual appliance
- Move or restrict VMs
- Obtain a trial license
- Obtain IP addresses from public networks
- Obtain public IP addresses in public cloud
- Onboard classic firewalls
- Onboard from Google Cloud Platform
- Open a virtual appliance
- Prepare cloud bursting
- Prepare to capture VMs
- Prepare to configure a VM
- Prepare to onboard from public cloud
- Prevent the use of IP addresses
- Protect a VM
- Protect a VM with disaster recovery
- Put an IP address on a deny list
- Put a scaling group into maintenance mode to make changes
- Read guest variables from a VM
- Release a captured VM
- Release a captured VM with network virtualization
- Release a reserved public IP address
- Release reserved private IPs
- Remove unmanaged VMs
- Request a VM backup now
- Reserve private IPs
- Reset VM password
- Restore a VM backup
- Restrict a scaling group
- Restrict virtual appliances and VMs
- Retrieve a VM using the API
- Run an action plan now
- Save changes to the configuration in a spec
- Save VApp Configurations as Specs
- Search for resources by tag and filter search
- Search for VMs and filter the search
- Search in lists
- Select locations where a spec can be used
- Set a custom VM icon
- Set allocation limits for an enterprise
- Set allocation limits for a tenant in a datacenter or provider or region
- Set allocation limits for a tenant in a datacenter or region
- Set allocation limits for a tenant in a provider
- Set a pricing model for a tenant
- Set the default network for a tenant in a datacenter
- Set the storage service level of a VM disk
- Share a spec with multiple tenants
- Share a virtual appliance spec with other tenants
- Start queued VM workflow tasks
- Stop and start VMs
- Synchronize firewall policies with the cloud provider
- Synchronize public IP addresses with the cloud provider
- Trigger an action plan with a budget
- Trigger autoscaling
- Troubleshooting enable datastores
- Undeploy a virtual appliance
- Update backup policies
- Use NICs in restricted networks
- View and onboard storage volumes in public cloud
- Configure map defaults
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