Assign scopes to share resources

Assign scopes to share resources

To share resources (templates, VApp specs) to users of other enterprises,

  1. Create scopes that contain the enterprises that will access the resource
  2. Edit the resource and assign one or more scopes
    1. You can select scopes and their child scopes to share resources to their users

The users of the enterprises listed in the scopes can access the resource, if they have the other required permissions

Troubleshooting and Tips

  • If there is a hierarchy, administrators can share VM templates and VApp specs with users in scopes beneath their own scope
  • Administrators cannot manage the enterprises that are not directly in their user scope
  • You can assign a user's scope to resources to share the resources with the enterprises in the scope. The platform will only consider the enterprises in the scope, not the locations
  • The platform will only check if a user's enterprise is in a resource's scope. It will not consider the user's scope to determine if they can access a resource
  • Examples of other access limitations:
    • To modify VM templates, the administrator must be in the enterprise that created the template
    • To create a new version of a VApp spec, the user must work with a VApp created from the spec in the enterprise that created the spec

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