Prevent users from working with a hardware profile

Prevent users from working with a hardware profile

In public cloud, providers may periodically release new generations of hardware profiles. A VM template may require a hardware profile of the current generation. When the platform synchronizes hardware profiles from providers, it registers if they are of the current generation. In private cloud, administrators can mark a hardware profile of the current generation. When users create or configure VMs, they can search for hardware profiles of the current generation.

For a tenant, to disable hardware profiles mode or to disable a specific hardware profile that is not in use in deployed VMs, see Manage Enterprises#Allowtenantstousehardwareprofiles

In a datacenter or a public cloud region with custom hardware profiles, you can deactivate a hardware profile at any time. The platform will not display inactive hardware profiles to select as recommended profiles in templates or for use in VMs. If a user already is already using a hardware profile on a VM when you deactivate it, they can continue to use it until they delete their VM. In this case, the administrator can save the enterprise’s allowed datacenter with the inactive hardware profile selected.

You can activate a hardware profile again at any time. Also, the platform will automatically activate an existing hardware profile in preference to creating a new one when switching to hardware profile mode, capturing a VM, or creating a virtual appliance from a spec.

  • You cannot delete a hardware profile if it is used in a deployed VM
  • If the administrator deletes a hardware profile, it will be automatically removed from all enterprises.  This means that an undeployed VM could have no hardware profile and the user will need to select a new one before they deploy.

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