Share VM templates

Share VM templates

In the Apps Library Catalogue view, shared templates are marked with the outstretched hand symbol. 

Privilege: Allow user to switch enterprises

By default, templates are local to the tenant that creates them (the "owner" enterprise). To share templates, assign scopes to them. 

Users who belong to the owner enterprise or enterprises in a template's scopes can display and use the template. 

To share a template with a scope:

  1. Go to Users → Scopes
  2. Create a scope
    1. For enterprises to use the template, select them in the scope
  3. Log in or switch to the enterprise that owns the template
  4. Go to Apps library → Templates
  5. Edit a template
  6. Go to Scopes
  7. Select the scope

For more information, see Manage Scopes and Manage resource scopes

For more details see GUI Edit template Scopes

In private cloud, the instances of shared templates belong to the enterprise that created them. When a template has instances, it is "in use" by the enterprises with instances. This may mean that you cannot delete a template without deleting or promoting the instances first.

When you make a shared template unavailable, other enterprises cannot deploy it, but it may not be marked as "unavailable" in the Apps library of other enterprises until you refresh your Apps library.

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