Recommend datastore tiers for VM templates

Recommend datastore tiers for VM templates

The administrator can recommend datastore tiers for VM templates, as well as hardware profiles.

To recommend datastore tiers:

  1. Go to Apps library → Templates → edit a template
  2. Go to the Recommended tab, which lists the datastore tiers that are available in the datacenter.
  3. Optional: to display datastore tiers as Recommended for this template, select them from the list
  4. Optional: to restrict the user to the selected hardware profiles and datastore tiers, select the Enable only recommended DS Tiers checkbox.

When the user creates a VM, the platform will display the tiers that are available to the user's enterprise and recommended for the template. If you select the option to Enable only recommended DS Tiers, then the user can only select from the recommended tiers. See Create a virtual machine. If there are no tiers available, the user will not be able to create a VM.

Customization of tier display

To display recommended tiers only before deploy and then display all compatible tiers after deploy, configure the Abiquo UI with the client.vm.datastoretiers.useonlyrecommended property. See Configure Abiquo UI. This configuration is independent of the checkbox to Enable only recommended DS Tiers.

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