Modify a virtual machine template
Modify a virtual machine template
Before you begin:
- Log in or switch enterprises to the tenant that owns the template
To modify a VM template:
- Select the template and click on the control menu button in the top-right corner and select Edit
Privilege: Manage VM templates from Apps library
In private cloud datacenters, standard templates have disks that will deploy to the hypervisor datastore, in contrast to persistent templates that have disks on external storage volumes. This documentation describes standard templates.
Edit template General information
Troubleshooting minimum and maximum CPU and RAM values
- The platform stores 0 as an empty value, so if you enter "0", it will disappear!
- If users edit existing VMs that already had out-of-range values, the platform displays a warning but does not enforce the range.
- Changes can affect recommended hardware profiles on the Advanced tab, so you may need to review them
- Users with the Override VM constraints privilege can enter values outside this range
For more details see GUI Edit template General information
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