Search in lists
Search in lists
On screens with lists of entities, the platform offers a search box:
- Enter a text string and the platform will display all entities with that string in their text fields
- OR Enter a text string containing one or more wildcard asterisk characters to filter by the text.
For example, when logged in as Cloud Administrator in Users view, without entering any text, you would see the default users, which are "admin", "default_outbound_api_user" and "user"
- Entering "user" retrieves "user" and "default_outbound_api_user". This is the same as entering "*user*"
Entering "u*" retrieves "user"
Entering "u*r" retrieves "user"
Entering "*r" retrieves "user", "admin" and "default_outbound_api_user". The platform retrieves "admin" because the Surname field contains the text "Administrator".
Entering "*t*d*" retrieves "user" and "default_outbound_api_user". The platform retrieves "user" because the Name field contains the text "Standard".
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