Delete an alarm

Delete an alarm

You can delete any alarm at any time, even if it is part of one or more alerts. The platform will not warn you that the alarm is used in an alert. However, you can check this in Control view. After you delete an alarm, you cannot recover it.

You can also remove an alarm from an alert.

Privilege: Access alarms section, Manage alarms, Manage alerts

To delete an alarm:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters or Infrastructure →  Alarms
  2. Select the alarm and delete it by clicking on the trash bin delete button

To remove an alarm from an alert:

  1. Go to ControlAlerts → edit alert

  2. Select the alarm, click the trash bin delete button, and confirm
    The platform will remove it from this alert, but it will remain in all other alerts that it is associated with

If you delete a VM, the platform will delete any alarms associated with its metrics.

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