Create a datacenter
Create a datacenter
Before you begin:
Obtain the IP address of the Remote Services server. If you are using a monolithic trial environment, this is the same as your Abiquo Server IP address
Check if you will require the DHCP service (it is required for standard Abiquo networking) and check the protocol to use (Omapi or Dnsmasq). See also Configure DHCP remote service with dnsmasq
Privilege: Access infrastructure view and Private DCs, Manage datacenter
To create a datacenter do these steps:
- Go to Infrastructure → Private
- At the bottom of the Datacenters list, click the + add button
- On the Create datacenter dialog, enter the Name of the datacenter and its Location to plot the datacenter on the Infrastructure view map. Then click Next
- To create the datacenter remote services, enter the IP address of the remote services server for the Virtualization manager. To copy the remote service location, click Duplicate IP addresses
After the platform creates the datacenter, do these steps:
- To allow users to deploy in the datacenter, edit your enterprises to add the new datacenter to the Allowed datacenters list
- To allow administrators to manage the datacenter, edit your administration scopes and add the new datacenter
Related pages
- UI reference for creating remote services for a datacenter: GUI Create datacenter Remote services
- Troubleshoot when you create a datacenter
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