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Create an availability set
Create and deploy a VM shortcut
Create and edit the rules of a classic firewall
Create a new cost code
Create a new currency
Create a new pricing model
Create an external network
Create an external network for cross-platform networking
Create an external network in public cloud
Create an SNAT rule
Create a private network
Create a protection manager for disaster recovery
Create a public cloud region
Create a reseller pricing model
Create a resource group
Create a spec to save virtual appliance configuration
Create a storage volume in public cloud
Create a subnet in GCP
Create a target group
Create a trigger for an action plan
Create automatic scaling actions
Create a virtual appliance
Create a virtual appliance based on a spec
Create a virtual machine
Create a VM hard disk
Create backup policies
Create custom metrics for a virtual appliance
Create excluded networks to reserve private network ranges
Create IP addresses in a subnet in GCP
Create IP addresses in datacenter networks
Create IP addresses in external networks for vCloud Director
Create IP addresses in private networks
Create load level compute rules
Create load level storage rules
Create network interfaces in a VM
Create Persistent Virtual Machines in Datacenters
Create pricing models for your customers
Create public networks
Create public networks for internet addressable IPs
Create reseller pricing models
Create static routes
Create the backup manager for a datacenter
Create VMs in antiaffinity layers for high availability
Create VPNs
Customize emails for guest password
Customize emails for guest password SMS
Customize emails for monitoring alert
Customize emails for two factor authentication
Customize emails to reset password
Deallocate or power off a VM in Azure
Define a scaling group
Define locations where a spec can be used
Define the version of a spec to use
Delete a budget
Delete a datacenter or public cloud region
Delete a firewall policy
Delete an address range
Delete an alarm
Delete an external network
Delete an onboarded external network
Delete a private network
Delete a public cloud account
Delete a public network
Delete a resource group
Delete a scaling group
Delete a storage volume in public cloud
Delete a virtual appliance
Delete a virtual appliance spec
Delete a VM
Delete firewall policy rules
Delete or release virtual resources in network virtualization systems
Delete or release virtual resources in public cloud
Deploy a virtual appliance
Deploy a VM from an OVA with parameters
Deploy errors
Deploy to launch a VM
Detach and delete VM storage
Disable or enable remote access for the platform
Display action plans
Display address ranges
Display alerts
Display and configure VM storage
Display a pricing estimate
Display a pricing estimate message
Display availability sets
Display backup policies in datacenters
Display budgets
Display classic VMs in public cloud
Display cloud resources
Display datacenter networks
Display events
Display events view
Display external networks
Display firewall policies
Display metrics for a scaling group
Display metrics for a virtual appliance
Display metrics for a VM
Display NAT rules
Display network service types
Display onboarded external networks
Display or move or restrict or delete VMs
Display pricing models
Display protection managers
Display public IP addresses in a location
Display public networks
Display resource groups
Display scaling actions of a scaling group
Display secondary IP addresses in OCI
Display tags on all cloud resources
Display tags on a resource
Display tags on a resource with a details panel
Display tags on a resource without a details panel
Display the networks of a VM
Display virtual appliances
Display virtual resources in cloud locations
Display VM backup events
Display VM backup results
Display VM details
Display VM errors
Display VM events
Display VM initial password
Display VM metrics
Display VM workflow tasks
Edit a budget
Edit a classic firewall
Edit a firewall policy
Edit an alarm
Edit an enterprise to select a pricing model
Edit a pricing model
Edit a private network
Edit a public network
Edit firewall policy rules
Edit private IPs to update the MAC address
Edit resources in a resource group
Edit resource tags on a virtual machine
Edit tags on resources in the provider
Edit VM network configuration
Enable two factor authentication
Enable VM monitoring and metrics
Filter events
Filter events admin example
Filter events user example
How to create a custom private network gateway
Inject enterprise properties as VM variables
List VM scaling group actions
Make IP addresses available
Manage public cloud networks
Manage resources that were deleted directly in the cloud provider
Manage two factor authentication in the UI
Manage VApp specs in the user interface
Manage Virtual Storage in Datacenters
Modify a Datacenter or a Public Cloud Region
Modify an external network
Modify a storage volume in public cloud
Modify a virtual appliance spec
Modify a virtual appliance with antiaffinity layers
Modify VM hard disks
Modify VM volumes
Monitor virtual appliances
Move a scaling group to another virtual appliance
Move a storage volume to the public cloud region
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Abiquo 5.4
Display alerts
Display alerts
MS (Unlicensed)
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MS (Unlicensed)
May 03, 2022
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