Create a firewall policy in GCP

Create a firewall policy in GCP

In GCP, the platform can create firewall policies in virtual datacenters or in global networks, to later attach to VMs.

Privilege: Manage firewall, Manage global networks

To create a new firewall, do these steps:

  1. Go to Virtual datacentersNetworkFirewalls
    or go to myCloud → Global → select the GCP provider → Network → Firewalls
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Enter the firewall details and select the direction

    For more details see GUI Create firewall policy GCP General information

  4. Go to Inbound or Outbound and add firewall rules

    For more details see GUI Create firewall policy GCP rules inbound outbound

  5. After you finish adding rules, click Save

The platform will create your firewall in the provider.

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