Recommended datastore tiers for VM templates

Recommended datastore tiers for VM templates

Abiquo 4.7.2 introduces recommended datastore tiers for VM templates in private cloud. This feature is similar to the recommended hardware profiles feature. This feature enables you to simplify the use of datastore tiers for your users. It also enables you to direct where VMs deploy based on datastore tiers.

When you edit a VM template, there is a new Recommended tab for datastore tiers and hardware profiles, when available.

This tab will display the datastore tiers that are available in the datacenter.

When the user creates a VM, the platform will display the tiers that are available to the user's enterprise and recommended for the template. If you select the option to Enable only recommended DS Tiers, then the user can only select from the recommended tiers. 

To create recommended tiers using the API, add the "datastoretier" links for the recommended tiers. The "alloweddatastoretier" links indicate that the enterprise is allowed to use the datastore tier. If a VM template has a "datastoretier" link to recommended tier that is not allowed, then the tier will not be available to the user.

In the previous versions, for the API request to get compatible tiers, for example, for Get compatible datastore tiers in a location v4.6.6, to obtain an array of compatible datastore tier links, the user should pass two parameters: a link  to a VM and a link to a datastore tier. The ways to use parameters for this request are:

  1. Get allowed datastore tiers for an enterprise → send no parameters
  2. Get tiers compatible with a datastore → send a link to the datastore
  3. Get datastores compatible with a VM → send a link to the VM

In Abiquo 4.7.2, for the request to Get compatible datastore tiers in a location, to obtain an array of links to the compatible datastore tiers, the user must send a link to a VM template. The user can also send a link to a VM.  

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