Default email guest password
Default email guest password
Email file
guestPasswordTemplate_en_US.mustache<p>Hi {{username}},</p> <p>Your new virtual machine is up and running. You can access it using the following credentials:</p> <p> Virtual machine UUID: {{vmuuid}}<br/> Virtual machine name: {{vmname}}<br/> Virtual machine providerID: {{vmproviderid}}<br/> FQDN: {{fqdn}}<br/> Username: {{loginuser}}<br/> Password: {{loginpassword}} </p> <p>The Abiquo Team</p>
Properties file
guestPassword_en_US.propertiessubject=New Virtual machine {0}
If you change the subject property, you must restart the Tomcat server to apply your changes
The only variable that you can set in the default message is the subject
If the Fully qualified domain name is not set in the VM, the value of the FQDN variable will be "undefined".
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