Provider support for load balancers tables

Provider support for load balancers tables

The following tables summarize the load balancer functionality in each provider.

Please refer to cloud provider documentation or network manager documentation as the definitive guide to the load balancer feature.


Abiquo supports AWS Classic load balancers and Application load balancers.

AWS ElementNotes
AWS documentation

Abiquo supports AWS Classic load balancers and AWS Application Load Balancers

Healthy threshold

AWS will assign a previously unhealthy machine a healthy status after a number of successful health checks.
See Abiquo Configuration Properties#amazon for how to set the healthy threshold of machines in AWS in the abiquo.properties file. 

Load balancer Name
  • AWS will only accept the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and "-". 
  • You cannot change the Name in AWS
  • LEAST_
  • AWS load balancers are created for virtual datacenter networks, which are VPC subnets
  • To create a load balancer, you must assign at least one subnet
  • When you edit the load balancer, you can add new subnets and delete subnets
  • The platform supports VMs in different subnets attached to the same load balancer
High availability

For high availability, create private networks (subnets) in different availability zones in your virtual datacenter

Routing rules
  • You must create at least one routing rule. There must always be at least one routing rule in the load balancer
  • You can only create one routing rule per protocol and port
Routing rule protocol inAWS accepts HTTP, HTTPS, TCP
Routing rule port inAWS accepts 80, 443 and 1024-65535 inclusive
SSL certificateCan be a new certificate or an existing one registered in AWS with an ARN.
  • To list and upload SSL server certificates to IAM your user requires IAM privileges to manage IAM
  • Abiquo never stores SSL certificates, so you cannot create a routing rule for a secure connection in an Abiquo-only load balancer that is not assigned to a subnet
Health check
  • If you do not create a health check, AWS will create a default health check with the following specifications:
    • Name in the format "PROTOCOL:port", for example, "TCP:80"
    • TCP check to one of the ports specified in a routing rule
  • AWS will only allow you to create one health check per load balancer

If a firewall does not display, it may not have been properly synchronized. In this case, you will need to click Cancel, synchronize firewalls and start again creating a new load balancer


Abiquo supports Standard SKU load balancers and Basic SKU load balancers.

Azure ElementNotes
Azure documentation
Load balancer Name

The load balancer name can't have white spaces


Addresses and networks
  • The load balancer must have one and only one public OR private address
  • The load balancer can only be attached to one subnet. Mandatory for private addresses  

Routing rules
  • You must create at least one routing rule.
    There must always be at least one routing rule in the load balancer
  • You can only create one routing rule per incoming port and one rule per outgoing port
    (i.e. two rules cannot receive traffic on the same port or route it to the same port).

Routing rule protocol inTCP and UDP
Routing rule port inIN and OUT port must use the same protocol
SSL certificateNot yet supported
Health check
  • One health check must be configured for the load balancer
    • Protocols supported for health check
      • Basic: TCP, HTTP
      • Standard: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS
    • Health check interval must be between 5 and 2147483646
    • Health check port must be between 1 and 65535

  • Basic: Azure NSGs are not supported for Basic load balancers
  • Standard: You must add a firewall to your VMs to allow load balancer traffic

  • Azure does not allow you to attach a VM with a Basic hardware profile to a load balancer
  • Basic: You must add VMs to an Availability set in order to use them with a load balancer
  • Standard: The VMs must be in the same virtual network

VMware NSX load balancers table

This document describes load balancers in NSX-V.

NSX-V ElementNotes
NSX-V documentationhttps://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/nsx_pubs.html
Load balance multiple protocols and portsUse multiple load balancers to the same IP address each with an incoming connection to a different port
  • The algorithms NSX-V supports are:
    • IP_HASH
    • URI
    • URL
AddressesIn NSX-V a load balancer must have at least one private address
Routing rule protocols in

NSX-V accepts HTTP, HTTPS, TCP and UDP

Changes to routing rulesYou can change NSX-V routing rules after they have been created
Health checkThe health check is not required
Health check protocols


vCloud Director load balancers table

vCloud Director ElementNotes
vCloud Director documentationVMware vCloud Director documentation center
Load balance multiple protocols and portsUse multiple load balancers to the same IP address each with an incoming connection to a different port
  • The algorithms vCloud Director supports are:
    • IP_HASH
    • URI
AddressesIn vCloud Director a load balancer must have a "public address", which is an address on an external network (connected to the Edge, meaning external to the OrgVDC or external routed networks). The platform does not support the use of private subnets for load balancers in vCloud because vCloud cannot use isolated external networks or private networks when creating load balancers. To load balance multiple protocols and ports, you can use multiple load balancers to the same IP address but each with a different port.
Routing rule protocols in

vCloud Director accepts HTTP, HTTPS, TCP

Changes to routing rulesYou can change vCloud Director routing rules after they have been created
Health check
  • A health check is required by the platform.
  • During synchronization, the platform will skip load balancers without health checks
Health check protocols

vCloud Director supports: HTTP, SSL, TCP. For HTTP routing rules, vCloud supports HTTP or TCP health checks. For HTTPS rules, it supports SSL or TCP. For TCP rules, it only supports TCP.

NodesThe platform will add the nodes to the load balancer pool on the Edge in vCloud when you deploy them. You cannot register a VM to a load balancer if it is not using an IP in an external OrgVDC or routed network.
vCloud vAppsThe platform does not support NSX-Edge Compact or fenced vApps.

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