Default email monitoring alert
Default email monitoring alert
Email file
monitoringAlertTemplate.mustache<p>You are receiving this email because the alert <strong>{{name}}</strong> has been <strong>{{state}}</strong> at {{alertDate}}.</p> <h4>Alert description</h4> <p>{{description}}</p> <h4>Notified alarms</h4> <ul> {{#alarms}} <li><em>{{alarmName}}</em>: {{alarmDescription}} - <em>{{entityType}}<em>: {{entityName}}</li> {{/alarms}} </ul> <p>For further details, go to the {{{portalname}}} at: {{{portaladdress}}}</p>
Properties file
monitoringAlert_en_US.propertiessubject=Alert {0} has been {1} at {2} portalname=Abiquo console portaladdress={0}
If you change the subject property, you must restart the Tomcat server to apply your changes
The variable "{1}" represents the state of the alert as "activated" or "deactivated"
- The variable "{2}" represents the timestamp of when the alert changed state
In the properties file you can only set the subject, portalname and portaladdress.
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