VM template states

VM template states

The platform derives template states from the states of the disks in the template. If any of the disks is in an error state, the template will also be in an error state. You can delete individual disks that are in an error state, but a template must always have one disk, even if it is in an error state. 

Template disks can be in the following states.

  • IN PROGRESS: The platform has registered the template and is uploading or downloading a disk file to the Apps library
  • DONE: The template is complete, although conversions to other hypervisors may not be present yet
  • FAILED: the disk was not properly created because of an issue during its creation
  • UNAVAILABLE:  the disk is defined in the template but not present in the Apps library. 
    • The platform will not allow an administrator to delete a template when it is used in VMs or has dependent instance templates. Instead, the platform will delete the template disk files to prevent further deploys. 
    • If an administrator replaces the disk file, then the platform makes the template available again.

The priority of the disk state in determining the template state is as follows: 1. In progress, 2.Failed, 3. Unavailable, 4. Done. For example, if a template has any failed disks, the template will also be in the failed state, even if any of its other disks are unavailable or done.

Disk conversion states

In private cloud, the platform will automatically convert VM template disks to enable users to work with them on all available hypervisors. The state of a disk conversion does not affect the state of the template.

The possible states of conversions are:

    • FAILED

To display the conversions of a template disk, edit the template, go to the Disks tab and select the disk.

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