Enterprise properties for resellers
Provider | Property | Current version | Feature | Notes |
ALL | reseller_code | Cost usage reports | Identify the reseller. Use a short code of 2-3 characters/digits to fit easily in the reports! | |
ALL | currency_code | Cost usage reports | 3 digit code, e.g. USD | |
ALL | conversion_factor | Cost usage reports | Used to convert from the main pricing model currency | |
AWS | amazon_price_factor | Price list synchronization | Default value for enterprises without this value in their hierarchy. | |
AWS | amazon_bucket | Replaces billing_bucket
| Billing dashboard | Name of the S3 bucket where Amazon stores billing data. |
AWS | amazon_report_name | Replaces report_name | Billing dashboard | Part of the path: amazon_bucket/amazon_bucket_prefix/amazon_report_name/file.csv |
AWS | amazon_bucket_prefix | Replaces report_prefix | Billing dashboard | Part of the path: amazon_bucket/amazon_bucket_prefix/amazon_report_name/file.csv |
AWS | amazon_billing_compress_format | New | Billing dashboard | Compression format for the billing reports. Values can be "ZIP" or "GZIP" |
AWS | amazon_mpa | Billing dashboard | Type of Amazon partner account
| |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_discount | Billing dashboard | Used to calculate the user invoice for billing dashboard - removing the discount that is applied for CSP billing. | |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_price_factor | Billing dashboard | Default value for enterprises that do not have this value in their hierarchy. | |
Azure | Deprecated OfferDurableId | Billing dashboard | Previously used to identify the reseller in the old configuration file, with a value similar to CSP_ID_xxxxxx. | |
Azure | azurecompute-arm_currency_code | Replaces Currency | Billing dashboard | Default is USD |
Azure | Deprecated Locale | Billing dashboard | Default is en-US | |
Azure | billing.azure.country_code | RegionInfo | Billing dashboard | Default is “US”. Two digit ISO code representing the country where you purchased the subscription |
dataset_id | New | Billing dashboard | Big Query dataset where Google stores the billing data |
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