Enterprise properties general table

Enterprise properties general table

Inject enterprise properties as VM variables

PropertyExample valueDescription
vm_variables_csvaa, bb.*, .*cc.*, .*dd

Pass enterprise properties with keys that match the regular expression value to VMs using cloud-init.

For this example, the platform will create VM variables with any property that is: named "aa"; starts with "bb"; contains "cc"; ends with "dd".

See Inject enterprise properties as VM variables

Onboard VMs into a single virtual appliance

PropertyExample valueDescription
sync.singlevapptrueIf true, in public cloud regions without VDCs, onboard all VMs into a single virtual appliance
sync.singlevapp.nameSingle vapp nameThe name to use for the single virtual appliance

See Control onboard of VMs to VApps

Azure VPNs


Type of routing to use by the Virtual Network Gateway.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-vpngateways.
To create a VPN from Azure to Azure, set to PolicyBased
Valid values: RouteBased, PolicyBased
Default: RouteBased


The Virtual Network Gateway requires a 'gateway subnet'.
If this does not exist, the plugin will try to create it in some available range of the virtual network,
using the mask given by this property
Default: 29


Name of the Virtual Network Gateway SKU.
Valid values: Basic, HighPerformance, Standard, UltraPerformance, VpnGw1, VpnGw2,
VpnGw3, VpnGw4, VpnGw5, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ
Only Basic SKU is supported in case of using PolicyBased VPN.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-vpngateways#gwsku
Default: Basic

See Configure Azure VPNs



Example valueDescription
DR-codeEnt1The tenant's network name suffix of the external network for DRaaS recovery.
For example, for the vCenter recovery network DraasnetEnt1 where "Draasnet" is the recovery network base name set with an Abiquo property,
create a "DR-code" property with a value of "Ent1".

See Configure Disaster Recovery as a Service with Zerto




Name of the NSX-T DHCP Profile used to create Tier1 VPCs. NSXT UI path is: Policy - Networking - Ip Management - DCHP


Name of the NSX-T Edge Cluster used to create Tier1 VPCs. NSXT UI path is: Policy - System - Fabric - Nodes - Edge Clusters
Default: Edge-Cluster-01


External IP used by the Tier-0.


Name of the NSX-T Tier0 used to create the Tier1 VPCs. NSXT UI path is: Policy - Networking - Tier-0 Gateway


Name of the NSX-T Transport Zone (overlay) used to create segments / networks. NSXT UI path is: Policy - System - Fabric - Transport Zones

NSX gateway



Use this property to set the teaming policy for the portGroup that is the backing for the VirtualWire when it is created. This value cannot be changed after it is created.
Default: "failover_explicit"
Values: "failover_explicit", "loadbalance_ip", "loadbalance_loadbased", "loadbalance_srcid", or "loadbalance_srcmac"


Size of the ESG appliances.

Values: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge

nsx.edge.descriptionDescription to configure in the edges created by Abiquo.

Whether load balancer acceleration is enabled in the edge load balancers.

Default: false

See Configure the NSX integration


These enterprise properties can also be configured as VDC context properties, if more than one VDC per tenant is required.

nsx.gateway.network-idVLAN tag of the tenant network where the ESGs will be connected. Abiquo will create a distributed port group if none exists for that VLAN
nsx.gateway.networkNetwork CIDR of the tenant network
nsx.gateway.datacenterThe Datacenter where Abiquo will create the distributed port group for the tenant VLAN, if missing


The distributed virtual switch where Abiquo will create the distributed port group for the tenant VLAN, if missing


Identifier of the AS used in the tenant network


BGP password for gateway from Edge
nsx.edge.uplink.ipsComma separated list of the IP addresses to assign to the uplink interfaces of the ESGs. The number of IP addresses here will determine the number of ESGs Abiquo will deploy when creating a Virtual datacenter
nsx.edge.bgp.peersComma separated list of the IP addresses to be configured as BGP neighbor of each ESG uplink
nsx.edge.bgp.asIdentifier of the AS used by the ESGs


BGP password from local
nsx.edge.bgp.hold-down-timerHold down timer value for the BGP between the ESGs and the tenant network
nsx.edge.bgp.keep-alive-timerKeep alive timer for the BGP between the ESGs and the tenant network
nsx.edge.bgp.weightWeight of each neighbor in the BGP between the ESGs and the tenant network
nsx.local.bgp.asIdentifier of the AS used by the local DLR
nsx.local.bgp.hold-down-timerHold down timer value for the BGP between the DLR and the ESGs
nsx.local.bgp.keep-alive-timerKeep alive timer for the BGP between the DLR and the ESGs
nsx.local.bgp.weightWeight of each neighbor in the BGP between the DLR and the ESGs


Network CIDR of the transit network


Use this property to set the teaming policy for the portGroup that is the backing for the VirtualWire when it is created. This value cannot be changed after it is created.
Default: "failover_explicit"
Values: "failover_explicit", "loadbalance_ip", "loadbalance_loadbased", "loadbalance_srcid", or "loadbalance_srcmac"


Size of the ESG appliances.

Values: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge


Size of the ESG appliance to use when creating the DHCP Edge for the virtual datacenter.

Values: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge

nsx.edge.descriptionDescription to configure in the edges created by Abiquo.

See NSX with ECMP configuration guide




Use this property to set the teaming policy for the portGroup that is the backing for the VirtualWire when it is created. This value cannot be changed after it is created.
Default: "failover_explicit"
Values: "failover_explicit", "loadbalance_ip", "loadbalance_loadbased", "loadbalance_srcid", or "loadbalance_srcmac"


Size of the ESG appliances.

Values: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge

nsx.edge.descriptionDescription to configure in the edges created by Abiquo.

See NSX NAT configuration guide

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