Script templates

Script templates

Abiquo 6.2 introduces the Script templates feature to save and reuse your bootstrap scripts for VMs.

You can start using this feature in the Catalogue on a new tab called Script templates with the privilege to Manage script templates.

The Script templates tab in the Catalogue
The Script templates tab in the Catalogue

When you create a script template, you can paste a script and save it.

Create a script template with General information
Create a script template with General information


To allow an enterprise to work with a script template, select a scope that contains the enterprise.

When you edit the script template, Abiquo will display the date and time that you last updated the script template.

To use your saved scripts in VM templates, you will need Catalogue privileges and the privilege to Add a script template to a VM template. To add a script template, edit a VM template and go to Bootstrap. Click Use script templates and select a script template.

Now when you create a VM from the VM template, Abiquo will copy the script from the script template.

If you make changes to a script template, the platform will update all VM templates that use the script template to apply your changes.

Abiquo does not update the script in VMs when you make changes to the script template.



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