Abiquo migration: from Centos to Ubuntu
This document describes how to migrate your Abiquo platform from CentOS to Ubuntu distribution.
1. CentOS API-UI Servers
On each API Server do these steps.
Stop services:
service abiquo-tomcat stop
Copy client-config-custom.json and abiquo.properties files to Ubuntu server:
scp /var/www/html/ui/config/client-config-custom.json user@ubuntu_server_ip:/var/www/html/ui/config/client-config-custom-centos.json
scp /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties user@ubuntu_server_ip:/opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties-centos
2. CentOS Remote Services Servers
Stop services:
service abiquo-tomcat stop
Backup redis and stop the service:
Copy redis and abiquo.properties files to Ubuntu server:
3. CentOS Services Servers
Backup redis and stop the service:
Copy redis files to Ubuntu server:
Backup MySQL and copy it to Ubuntu server:
4. CentOS Monitoring Servers
Stop services:
Backup Watchtower db and copy it to Ubuntu server:
5. Ubuntu API-UI Servers
Stop services:
Remove default configuration:
Modify the abiquo.properties Ubuntu file according to the abiquo.properties file from CentOS. In this case, delete the properties: abiquo.m.identity, abiquo.m.credential, abiquo.m.instanceid y abiquo.server.api.location = and then add the property abiquo.api.zk.serverConnection= -> services IP
6. Ubuntu Remote Services Servers
Stop services:
Modify the abiquo.properties Ubuntu file according to the abiquo.properties file from CentOS.
Restore Redis CentOS backup in Ubuntu server:
7. Ubuntu Services Servers
Import MySQL data from CentOS:
Restore Redis CentOS backup in Ubuntu server:
8. Ubuntu Monitoring Servers
Stop services:
Import Watchtower db data from CentOS:
9. Start services in all Ubuntu Servers
In API-UI and Remote Services:
In Monitoring Server:
Wait 5 minutes:
Wait for 1 minute:
From the Abiquo UI modify the RS to point the new RS Ubutnu Servers.
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