Tenant cost report widget

Tenant cost report widget

Abiquo 6.1.2 introduces a new widget to display cost and usage for private cloud on the dashboard for each tenant. The widget uses on-premise billing data and obtains this data from the API cost usage resources.

You can add the widget to your dashboards tabs, and you can rename it as required.

Add the Tenant cost reports widget to your dashboard
Add the Tenant cost reports widget to your dashboard

For this widget, the default is to display the data for the current month. The user can also configure the filter and select the months to display. There is also the option to hide resources without cost.

Filter the display of data for the Tenant cost reports widget
Filter the display of data for the Tenant cost reports widget


The widget has three levels for each tenant, and the user can click on the arrow at each level to display more detail.

On the first level, the widget displays the virtual datacenters and their costs, as well as any charges other for managed services.

When the user clicks the arrow button beside a virtual datacenter or managed services, the widget displays the resources within the virtual datacenter, such as VMs, and private networks, or a breakdown of managed services.

When the user clicks on the arrow beside a VM to display more detail, the widget displays the usage and cost details for each billable element of the VM, such as CPU time, RAM, and so on.



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