Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for MySQL

Abiquo 6.1 introduces support for Azure Database for MySQL so you can manage an Azure single server as part of your Abiquo multicloud platform with Abiquo XaaS (Anything as a Service). The Azure Database for MySQL service requires a separate Abiquo license.

You can use Azure Database for MySQL with standard Abiquo Azure compute credentials. See Obtain Azure credentials and Obtain Azure ARM pricing credentials for CSP.

To work with Azure database for MySQL:

Privileges: Manage default services

  1. Go to Catalogue → Services

  2. Add the Azure Database for MySQL service

  3. For Can be used by add Location of type azurecompute-arm

     In the default service configuration, set the location and provider
    In the default service configuration, set the location and provider
  4. Go to Infrastructure → Public

  5. Add the Azure region/s for your databases to your Abiquo platform

  6. From the user icon menu or from Users view, edit your enterprise credentials and add your Azure compute credentials

  7. Go to myCloud → Global, select Azure, and onboard or create a resource group

  8. Go to myCloudLocations and select the Azure region where you would like to create the Azure database

  9. Go to Services and add the Azure Database for MySQL service

Privileges: Manage location services


To create a MySQL Database Instance:

Privileges: Use location services and Run actions on usable services, or Manage virtual datacenters

  1. From the service Options menu, select Create single server

     Create a single server Azure MySQL database
    Create a single server Azure MySQL database
  2. Enter the properties for the creation of your database

  3. To allow a connection to your database, from the service Options menu, select Create firewall rule and enter your IP address. Obviously, you should use your own IP address and not the one in the screenshot below.

After you create or onboard your Azure MySQL instance, you can monitor it using Abiquo Service Metrics for XaaS. See Service metrics


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