Zerto upgrade

Zerto upgrade

Abiquo 6.1.1 introduces support for Zerto 9.7 U2.

Abiquo 6.1.x supports Zerto 9.7 U2 on Linux only

For details, see https://help.zerto.com/en-US/bundle/RN.97.HTML/page/9.7_Whats_New.htm

The changes that affect Abiquo are that the endpoint to connect to Zerto does not use the /v1 path and the default port is now 443/tcp only.

To use the new version, create a new protection manager with the Endpoint in the new URL format for the Zerto connection: https://{$ZERTO_FQDN}:{PORT}.

If you are using the default port of 443, then you do not need to enter the port. For example: https://zerto.host.domain.

For the User and Password enter the credentials of the ZVM appliances.

Create a protection manager with Zerto 9.7 endpoint and credentials
Create a protection manager with Zerto 9.7 endpoint and credentials


For more details, see Protection managers.


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