Abiquo 5.4 features

Abiquo 5.4 features

Abiquo 5.4 introduces the following features.



Abiquo and GCP firewall policies

Abiquo 5.4 introduces Firewall policies for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Abiquo firewall policies are GCP Firewall rules and they belong to VPC networks (Abiquo global networks).  Administrators can onboard firewalls when they onboard global networks.

Abiquo and NSX-T

Abiquo supports NSX-T with a single new plugin for advanced cloud networking. With NSX-T Abiquo offers similar functionality to the NSX-V plugin including: virtual datacenters, private networks, NAT, firewalls, load balancers, and bandwidth limits. VMware does not offer an upgrade path from NSX-V to NSX-T and this plugin is also for use with new resources. Abiquo uses the NSX-T Policy mode and it does not modify the Fabric. Abiquo supports N-VDS and introduces support for VDS in v5.4.1.

Abiquo and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Abiquo 5.4 offers support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with a new integration that enables you to use this cloud provider in the multicloud platform.

Abiquo and Rubrik backup

Abiquo 5.4.1 introduces a new backup plugin that supports version 5.3 of Rubrik. You can use the Abiquo Rubrik backup integration with VMware vCloud Director or vCenter.

Abiquo and VMware Cloud Director 10.3

Abiquo 5.4.4 introduces support for VMware Cloud Director 10.3 using API v35. Abiquo 5.4.4 supports VCD with NSX but it does not support NSX-T. Abiquo supports Rubrik Backup with VCD 10.3.

Changes to scopes for tenant hierarchies

Abiquo 5.4 introduces some changes to scopes to simplify tenant hierarchies in the multicloud platform. For a tenant hierarchy you can manage reseller and customer accounts in public cloud providers and manage cost and usage for all these accounts.

Edit disk size and tier in VM templates and VMs

Abiquo 5.4 gives users more control over disk sizes and storage service levels which are Abiquo datastore tiers. These changes especially apply to public cloud because you can now edit VM template disks and select service levels, and you can also do this on instances in public cloud before or after you launch them

Multicloud storage limits for tenants

Abiquo 5.4 offers you complete control over multi-cloud storage limits per tenant. In Abiquo 5.3.x versions, you could create limits for private cloud datacenters and for tenants in multiple datacenters.

Now in Abiquo 5.4, you can also create storage service level limits per tenant in public cloud.

Onboard accounts in nondefault AWS regions

Abiquo 5.4 enables you to onboard accounts in all AWS regions, including non-default regions, such as Bahrain. Non-default regions are disabled by default.

Update the MAC addresses of private IPs

After you assign a static MAC address on vCenter, you can update the MAC address in Abiquo.

Use guest setup to configure Windows instances in AWS

Abiquo 5.4 adds new guest setup options for Windows in Amazon AWS via API. These options are available in the UI in Abiquo 5.4.1.

Use Guest setup to inject IP addresses without DHCP

Abiquo supports guest setup in Linux and Windows using DHCP, and Abiquo 5.4.1 enables you to inject IP addresses when you are not using DHCP services.

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