How to find the enterprise that owns a template

How to find the enterprise that owns a template

To find the enterprise that is the owner of a template:

  1. Log in to the Abiquo UI as an administrator

  2. Go to CatalogueTemplates

  3. Select and edit the template

  4. Go to Disks

  5. The disk folder Path should start with the ID of the enterprise that owns the template.
    For example, for 1/abiquo.repo.example.com/fc07269b-ab38-4aa3-8e3c-b048f7b60aad-TinyCore-current.iso, the first number 1 is the enterprise ID.

    The first number in the template disk path is the ID of the owner enterprise
    The first number in the template disk path is the ID of the owner enterprise

To get the name of the owner enterprise from the enterprise ID:

  1. Go to Users view

  2. In your browser, open developer tools and go to the Network tab

  3. At the top of the Enterprises list, click on All

  4. Display the query to get all enterprises, which is /api/admin/enteprises?maxSize=...
    If necessary, in the UI, use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the enterprise list to go to the appropriate page of enteprises.

  5. In the Preview or the Response, expand the collection of enterprises, and search for the ID and corresponding Name

    Display enterprise ID and name in developer tools of the browser
    Display enterprise ID and name in developer tools of the browser

To match the enterprise ID and name in the API you can use the request to get an enterprise by its ID.

See EnterprisesResource.html#get-an-enterprise

So the format of an example request would be:

curl -k -uuser:password 'https://abiquo.api.url/api/admin/enterprises/{enterpriseId}'

So for enterprise 2 above:

curl -k -uuser:password 'https://abiquo.api.url/api/admin/enterprises/2'

The name of the enterprise is at the start of the object.


You can format it with a JSON formatter to display it more clearly.

To display a list of all enterprises by ID and name, you can use the following request:


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