Private IP reservation

Private IP reservation

Abiquo 4.6.1 introduces the private IP reservation feature to prevent users from assigning reserved IPs to VMs within Abiquo. The platform does not display reserved IPs to allow users to select them for VMs. You can only assign reserved IPs to VMs from outside of Abiquo, for example, using a script. 

Privileges: Manage private IP reservation

See also Notes about reserved private IPs for vCenter with DVS below.

In Virtual datacenters view go to NetworksPrivate tab. Here you can select IPs and click the lock button to indicate that you would like to reserve them.


When you reserve IPs, you must provide a reason. You can select one or more VMs from the current tenant to indicate where the IPs might be used. The platform does not validate the selection or assign IPs to these VMs. The administrator must assign the IPs to VMs outside of the platform. 

After you reserve IPs, the platform displays a padlock symbol beside the IP addresses.

To display a tooltip with a list of the VMs that the IPs were reserved for, click on the padlock symbol.


To release IPs, the user can select them and click the unlock button.

In Infrastructure view, on the private networks tab, the list of private IPs also displays a padlock symbol beside reserved IPs.

Notes about reserved private IPs for vCenter with DVS

  • Prior to the first deploy of an Abiquo VM in an Abiquo private network, in order to add a reserved IP to a VM, you would need to create your own port group (tag/DVS) with the next tag in the rack sequence and the Abiquo naming convention, which is “network_name_tag”, for example, “private_network_11”. Creating your own port group is not recommended.

  • When a user deploys the first Abiquo VM in a private network, Abiquo checks for an existing network that uses the Abiquo naming convention, or creates a new one.

  • Abiquo will not manage private IPs added to VMs outside of the platform.

  • When a user undeploys the last Abiquo VM in a private network, if there are no other VMs with IP addresses in the network, Abiquo will delete the port group.

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