Prepare to Upgrade Abiquo 3.x Versions
You can upgrade from any version of Abiquo 3.0.0-GA or 3.x version to the latest Abiquo version. To perform a fresh install, you can use the the Abiquo Install Appliances.
Before you upgrade, perform these preliminary steps.
Remove cloud user access
You can prevent cloud users from performing operations on VMs by accessing the platform and disabling all the physical machines in Abiquo (in Infrastructure view in the UI) or using the API (setting state to DISABLED).
Ensure all queues are empty and no tasks are in progress
On Remote Services check the status of RabbitMQ to ensure that there are no outstanding tasks
service rabbitmq-server status
This will provide the PID so you can see if it is running or not.
Finally check the queues:
# rabbitmqctl list_queues
The output will be similar to this:
Listing queues ... abiquo.vsm.eventsynk 0 abiquo.tracer.traces 0 abiquo.datacenter.requests.Abiquo.virtualfactory 0 abiquo.ha.tasks 0 0 abiquo.datacenter.requests.Abiquo.bpm 0 abiquo.datacenter.notifications 0 ...done.
You can check for any active V2V conversions by checking for the V2V or Mechadora processes
ps aux | grep v2v ps aux | grep mechadora
See Service Management for details
Stop Services
Stop the services
Abiquo Server
service abiquo-tomcat stop service httpd stop
Remote Services
service abiquo-tomcat stop
V2V Server
service abiquo-tomcat stop
service abiquo-aim stop
service abiquo-lvmiscsi stop
Back up your current Abiquo installation
Backup mysql
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton > kinton_dump_`date +%d%m%y`.sql mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton_accounting > kinton_accounting_dump_`date +%d%m%y`.sql
Back up Redis
redis-cli lastsave bgsave lastsave
Back up the contents of opt abiquo
tar cvfz opt-abiquo.tgz /opt/abiquo
Backup user interface
tar cvfz var-www-html-ui.tgz /var/www/html/ui
User Interface Configuration
There are some important changes to the UI in Abiquo 3.x versions.
Starting from Abiquo 3.1 or earlier
- The upgrade will OVERWRITE lang_en_US.json. If you have custom labels or translations, back them up before the upgrade and add them afterwards as lang_xx_XX_custom.json
Starting from Abiquo 3.2 or earlier
The upgrade deprecates client-config.json.
During the upgrade, Abiquo will add the new default file client-config-default.json
Add your custom configuration to client-config-custom.json after the upgrade
Configuration in client-config.json will not be found
Only add your customizations to avoid overriding new default settings in future versions
Add complete elements, because the elements that you add will override those in the default configuration
In Abiquo 3.6+ you can use cascading style sheets (CSS) to style the user interface.
See Abiquo Branding Guide and Abiquo Branding Admin Guide. Changes from 3.4.x to 3.6 are described in Improved Branding System
Google Maps key
From 3.0 onwards, Abiquo uses the Google Maps Javascript API v3 to plot the datacenter locations on the map. Abiquo 2.0 used API v2, so you cannot use an old key with Abiquo 3.0. You should obtain a new key for Abiquo 3.0 onwards. However, the API will function without a key up to a certain number of requests. Set configuration options and add the key in the client-config-custom.json file.