Abiquo usage statistics
- RPM needs to be installed in Abiquo API server
- Abiquo-usage requires internet access to send data to Abiquo heartbeat endpoint.
- Abiquo-usage requires DNS resolution service properly configured. In example, a ping to mirror.abiquo.com must work.
- Abiquo-usage requires a cron deamon installed. By default, Abiquo nodes have already installed cronie daemon and no extra step is required.
To install abiquo-usage script simply execute
CentOS 6
# rpm -Uvh http://mirror.abiquo.com/tools/abiquo-usage-0.5-0.noarch.el6.rpm
Current RPM MD5: 28753efcbbc1b2a795e2601fc6169d70
CentOS 5
# rpm -Uvh http://mirror.abiquo.com/tools/abiquo-usage-0.6-0.noarch.el5.rpm
Current RPM MD5: 7de51be5a87917e92dbb03f776efa565
To confirm that the RPM has been installed successfully and is working well, execute:
# /opt/abiquo-usage/abiquo-usage
No output should be returned.
How abiquo-usage works
Abiquo-usage statistics script performs some basic queries to gather information about how Abiquo software is being used.
The script runs twice a week, you can see run schedule by executing:
# cat /etc/cron.d/abiquo-usage
Each time the script is executed few basic queries are performed to Abiquo database to obtain statistics.
Statistics gathered are formatted, encrypted and posted to an Abiquo endpoint.
If by any reason the endpoint is not reachable, encrypted data is stored locally to file: /etc/abiquo-usage.
Uninstall abiquo-usage
To remove abiquo-usage execute:
# rpm -e abiquo-usage