Merging remote services
This page describes the use of the tool written so that multiple remote services can be merged into one. This requires at least Abiquo 3.2.
Contact Abiquo support to get the tool.
Base scenario
Assume we have an Abiquo environment serving 3 public cloud regions. The servers are located as described in the table below:
Abiquo component | Public cloud provider | IP |
API + RS PCR1 (monolithic) | AWS | |
RS PCR2 | Digitalocean | |
RS PCR3 | Rackspace US | |
We are going to use the merging tool to manage all three public cloud regions from the monolithic server running API.
Do not perform the procedure described in this document without taking a valid backup from MySQL database and every Redis database in the platform.
Merge Redis data
First you need to stop Abiquo, Management server and Remote Services.
For the tool to work, you need remote access to Redis from the machine you are running the tool in.
Once services has been stopped, run the tool to merge one source Redis server into the target one.
We are going to merge the Redis data from PCR2 into the one running in the monolithic server. From the monolithic server:
[root@abiquo-dev ~]# java -Dredis.merge=true -jar mergeator-1.0.0.jar Nov 26, 2014 1:03:24 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App getSourceRedisRepository INFO: Source redis at Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App getDestinationRedisRepository INFO: Destination redis at localhost:6379Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merging all hypervisors... Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merging Hypervisor{Id=2, UID=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#}Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Hypervisor{Id=2, UID=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Hypervisor{Id=4, UID=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#} Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Subscription{Id=2, Name=ABQ_3a47401a-60e8-4423-82b8-0984e8f4f990, Hypervisor=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Subscription{Id=5, Name=ABQ_3a47401a-60e8-4423-82b8-0984e8f4f990, Hypervisor=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09} (1/2) Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Subscription{Id=3, Name=ABQ_bbf55c16-bf19-47b1-978f-1d869845869b, Hypervisor=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Subscription{Id=6, Name=ABQ_bbf55c16-bf19-47b1-978f-1d869845869b, Hypervisor=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09} (2/2) Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merged Hypervisor{Id=4, UID=e1209cb5-5bf7-4065-96df-2c82fd8a2a09, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#} (1/2) Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merging Hypervisor{Id=1, UID=06238858-498d-4846-81de-658da720888e, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#}Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Hypervisor{Id=1, UID=06238858-498d-4846-81de-658da720888e, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Hypervisor{Id=5, UID=06238858-498d-4846-81de-658da720888e, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#} Nov 26, 2014 1:03:25 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merged Hypervisor{Id=5, UID=06238858-498d-4846-81de-658da720888e, Type=digitalocean, End point=ams2#} (2/2) [root@abiquo-dev ~]#
Then we can merge the Redis data from PCR3:
[root@abiquo-dev ~]# java -Dredis.merge=true -jar mergeator-1.0.0.jar Nov 26, 2014 1:03:37 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App getSourceRedisRepository INFO: Source redis at Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App getDestinationRedisRepository INFO: Destination redis at localhost:6379Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merging all hypervisors... Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merging Hypervisor{Id=1, UID=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a, Type=rackspace-cloudservers-us, End point=DFW#}Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Hypervisor{Id=1, UID=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a, Type=rackspace-cloudservers-us, End point=DFW#}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Hypervisor{Id=6, UID=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a, Type=rackspace-cloudservers-us, End point=DFW#}Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Subscription{Id=2, Name=ABQ_2c63c5fa-4fce-49ea-8ff9-260dae6edfbc, Hypervisor=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Subscription{Id=7, Name=ABQ_2c63c5fa-4fce-49ea-8ff9-260dae6edfbc, Hypervisor=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a} (1/2)Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moving Subscription{Id=3, Name=ABQ_a4435eb0-4024-4278-a13a-d48a1aa07ed5, Hypervisor=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a}...Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App move INFO: Moved Subscription{Id=8, Name=ABQ_a4435eb0-4024-4278-a13a-d48a1aa07ed5, Hypervisor=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a} (2/2)Nov 26, 2014 1:03:38 PM com.abiquo.mergeator.App merge INFO: Merged Hypervisor{Id=6, UID=472f9d72-2129-49de-a42e-a6ddea639f8a, Type=rackspace-cloudservers-us, End point=DFW#} (1/1)
Merge API data
Once the Redis data has been transfered from every RS to the monolithic server, you need to delete their Redis databases so the tool can successfully change remote services values in Abiquo.
Log in to each RS an perform:
# redis-cli flushdb
Then start Abiquo tomcat again.
Now run the merging tool to modify the data:
[root@abiquo-dev ~]# java -Dapi.merge=true -Dapi.user=admin -Dapi.password=xabiquo -Dpcr.source=1 -Dpcr.dst=2,3 -jar mergeator-1.0.0.jar [root@abiquo-dev ~]#
Note we have provided no API endpoint to the tool as it defaults to locahost and we were running the tool from the monolithic server. This command has no output, but when it finishes, you can check the UI (or database) for the remote services used in each public cloud region and they will all be pointing to our monolithic server.