Start Abiquo servers and services
To start the Abiquo platform servers and services, do these steps:
On the Abiquo server, restart the HTTP daemon to refresh the user interface files, and bring up the Tomcat server.
service httpd start service abiquo-tomcat start
On the remote services server, start the Tomcat server
service abiquo-tomcat start
On the monitoring server: edit the file /opt/kairosdb/conf/ to update the name of this variable and to remove the port from it:
Replace the line kairosdb.datastore.cassandra.host_list=192.168.888.999:9160 .
With this line kairosdb.datastore.cassandra.cql_host_list=192.168.888.999 . Please note the new cql_ preffix for this property.
On the monitoring server: edit the file /etc/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yml OR /etc/cassandra/default.conf/cassandra.yaml (whichever exists) to remove a variable:
Remove the line starting with kairosdb.datastore.cassandra.datapoint_ttl and save and close the file.
On the monitoring server: edit the file /opt/kairosdb/conf/ to add a new variable (ref: Internal JIRA SUP-333):
kairosdb.datastore.cassandra.datapoint_ttl = 15768000
On the monitoring server: start the Cassandra service
sudo service cassandra start
WAIT about 5 minutes until the service is up and running
Start the KairosDB service
Start the other services in this order
On the V2V server: restart the Tomcat server:
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