Upgrade Distributed API Server without DB to v5.2
This step is for an API server in a distributed environment that has a separate database server.
Abiquo will upgrade to new versions of RabbitMQ that require a manual upgrade path of dependencies.
These steps are for a server that contains RabbitMQ
Remove the Erlang packages
yum remove erlang* yum clean all && yum makecache
Install new RabbitMQ
yum install rabbitmq-server
Before you confirm, check that the packages will be installed from the abiquo-base repository
- rabbitmq-server:
On the API server, upgrade Abiquo to 5.2.x
yum update
Before you confirm, check the following packages will be installed from the abiquo-base repository:
- jdk: 11.0.6u10
- redis:
Check versions of Java and Tomcat
Enable and start RabbitMQ on the API server
systemctl enable rabbitmq-server systemctl start rabbitmq-server
On the API Server, change file permissions so the Abiquo services can run as the tomcat user (not root) and allow access to the configuration files
chown -R tomcat /opt/abiquo
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