Brand Abiquo reports

Brand Abiquo reports


Report branding covers two areas:-

  • Graphics, icons and images

  • Colors, fonts and general appearance.

These two areas are treated separately because different methods are used to implement branding in each area.

Graphics, icons and images

The graphics, icons and images are controlled simply by overriding the default value for a common parameter called:-

Abiquo reports - Common - Input Controls - Image Location

By default the name of the folder that contains all the images, etc. used by the reports is:-

Abiquo reports - Common - Images - Branded

The folder on the reporting tree contains the images described in the following sections. The images are grouped for basic branding and advanced branding.

Basic branding images

The basic branding images are common to all reports, and are part of the standard abiquo report template. They will almost certainly need modifying to be replaced by the customer's own branding. 

Jasper resource name
(if different from
Jasper resource ID) 

Jasper resource ID


Attachment file name

Jasper resource name
(if different from
Jasper resource ID) 

Jasper resource ID


Attachment file name

Identifies image to reports

Jasper EXPORTS with this name;
Change .data to .png to edit the file


Large  ‘Q’ image on report title and no data found pages



Abiquo logo with tagline on report title and no data found pages



Abiquo logo that appears on page footers



Small ‘Q’ image on page footers


These four images are attached to this page and shown in the following gallery.

Advanced branding images

The following images appear only on specific reports where they are required they may not need modifying to be replaced, as they are reasonably generic and do not have abiquo specific look and feel, but they can be changed if customer wishes to.

Jasper resource name
(if different from
Jasper resource ID) 

Jasper resource ID


Attachment file name

Jasper resource name
(if different from
Jasper resource ID) 

Jasper resource ID


Attachment file name

Identifies image to reports

Jasper EXPORTS with this name;
Change .data to .png to edit the file


used to represent a disabled state



used to represent an enabled state



used to represent an error status



used to represent an information status



used to represent a warning status


Storage device (icon style)


Graphic depicting a general storage device


Repository (icon style)


Graphic depicting repository storage


Network (icon style)


Graphic depicting a general network



Graphic depicting a virtual machine



Graphic depicting a virtual app



Graphic depicting an Abiquo user


Change images

To change the images, download the branding images attached to this wiki page or export the images from the JasperReports Server.

Modify the images as required.

Create a new folder in the images directory on the JasperReports Server. 

Use iReport to deploy the modified images to the Jasper report server. The image ID must match the ID used in the reports.

Update the default value of the input control to reference the new folder.

Change images without iReport

If you are uploading the images without iReport you should consider the following:

  • Create the new branding folder in the images folder with a very short name (one or two characters long) 

    • This will work around a bug in JasperReports that does not allow you to manually enter more than 30 characters in the input control

  • Select all the images in the branded folder and copy and paste them to the new folder

  • Edit each image and replace it with a new one (Click Upload)

    • This will be quicker than adding new images and the images will already have the correct ID

    • It will also work around a problem with inputting hyphens in image IDs

Branding images example

Colors, fonts and general appearance

The general look and feel theme of the reports is configured using a Japser Reports style template, called:-

/abiquo/common/Styles/abiquo Default Report Style

There are only a relatively small number of elements in the style template that might need modifying in order to achieve a different brand to the Abiquo default. The important thing is to understand how the template style elements map onto different report elements. This mapping is detailed below:-

Template style element

Affected report elements

Template style element

Affected report elements


Default report background


Report title and ‘no data found’ background


Page header and footer background


Report parameters background


Column header/footer background


Group header/footer background


Report header/footer page main title line


Report header/footer page second title line


Report page header/footer page title


Colour for graphic lines


Company url shown on every page footer

The remaining elements are all used to display the textual data in various places throughout the reports. They follow a strict pattern and that pattern is seen in the naming convention as described below:-

For example

We ship three background color variants which are :

  • Orange

  • Grey

  • Transparent

And one foreground colour variant which is:

  • Grey

For each of the above we ship font sizes 8,10,12,14 and a Bold/Normal variant. So to use orange as an example we ship the following 8 variants:

With the exception of the styles that use a grey foreground as mentioned above all foreground colours are black by default, and the only font used is Sans Serif.

How to change the style template

To brand the Abiquo reports, do the following steps:-

  • Using Japsersoft’s iReport design tool open the style template located in the jasperserver repository at /abiquo/common/Styles/abiquo Default Report Style

  • Modify those elements required to make the look and feel comply with the required branding. Note it is critical that the only changes made are modifications to the existing template elements, do not add new elements or delete/rename existing elements, this could cause reports to fail if it fails to locate style template elements.

  • Save the style template back to the repository ensuring that the existing template is replaced with the modified one. The reports should automatically use the modified style template, there is no need to modify any of the reports to make this happen.

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