Abiquo billing integration
Introduction to the Abiquo billing integration
The Abiquo billing integration is a separate utility that aggregates accounting data and prepares it for a billing system.
You can configure the billing integration to do the following.
Aggregate the accounting data for different periods (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
Map Abiquo Enterprises and Virtual datacenters to billable accounts and items
This means you can bill at either the enterprise or virtual datacenter level
Use Abiquo pricing data per datacenter or public cloud region to create billing data
Output data to CSV or DBMS format
Abiquo can also build integrations to push data to specific billing systems.
To configure Abiquo billing dashboards to display public cloud provdier billing data, see Display cloud provider billing data.
What can you bill?
Here are some examples of items that you can include in Abiquo billing.
Standard billing. You can bill either by usage or by allocation (hard limits):
CPU with VM ON
Memory with VM ON
Memory with VM OFF
Local Storage
External Storage
Standard billing. By usage only
Hypervisor Type
Reserved Machine
Repository Usage
High Availability-hosting
Anti-Affinity hosting
Load Balancer
Datastore Tiers. As an alternative to Local Storage
Storage Tiers. As an alternative to External Storage
Cost Codes (e.g. assigned to VM templates, hardware profiles)
'Custom' - Usage: you can define your own items to bill resources by usage (e.g. Network bandwidth usage).
Sample output from the billing integration
Sample output from the CSV connector.
Sample output from the DBMS connector.
As an example of the type of custom integration that Abiquo can build, see an overview of configuring and using the billing integration with Zuora in the Zuora walkthrough.
Getting started
To get started quickly with the Abiquo billing integration, please see the quickstart guides:
Zuora Quickstart
Advanced configuration
For full details of the Billing Integration functionality and configuration, please see the Abiquo billing integration user guide.
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