Configuration view
- 1 Introduction to configuration view
- 2 Configuration view changelog
- 3 Modify platform configuration using the API
- 4 Configuration view table
- 4.1 General
- 4.2 Infrastructure
- 4.3 Network
- 4.4 Dashboard
- 4.5 Security
- 4.6 Wiki links
- 5 Configuration view wiki links table
- 5.1 Dashboard
- 5.2 Infrastructure
- 5.3 Virtual datacenters
- 5.4 Apps library
- 5.5 Users
- 5.6 Pricing
- 5.7 Control
- 5.8 Configuration
Introduction to configuration view
In Configuration view, administrators configure many aspects of the platform, including the user interface, infrastructure defaults, password security, licenses, and so on.
To access Configuration view:
Privileges: Access Configuration view, Modify configuration data
Click the cog Configuration view icon on the main menu
Configuration view changelog
See Changes to configuration view
Modify platform configuration using the API
API Documentation
For the Abiquo API documentation of this feature, see Abiquo API Resources and the page for this resource SystemPropertiesResource.
Configuration view table
General | Default | Notes | Info |
Logo file | theme/abicloudDefault/img/logo.png | Directory and filename of the default enterprise logo file. The directory is relative to the Abiquo UI folder. The logo file should be a .png, .jpg, or other web compatible image file. The resolution should be 72 PPI and the space reserved for the image is 48 x 48 pixels |
Enable tutorials |
| ||
Elements per page in main lists | 25 |
Refresh interval (seconds) for all views (set to 0 to disable automatic refresh) | 600 |
URL displayed when the enterprise logo is clicked | To display this page, the Abiquo server must have access to the URL |
| |
Display Report button linked to this URL (empty -> no Report button display) |
| To enable users to display this button, also assign the privilege to access reports to their user roles. For more details, see the Abiquo reports with Jaspersoft section |
Reporting logout URL (empty -> no logout from Abiquo) |
| Before the user enters Reports through the UI, the platform will use this URL to log out from any previous sessions in Reports |
Allow user to change their password | Select this option to enable users to open a dialog to edit their personal details from the menu of the User icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. The user can change their password if platform authentication is used. If you disable this option, you can only edit users in Users view. See Configure the user icon menu |
| |
Allow user to log out | Allow users to log out by selecting Log out from the menu of the User icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. Otherwise Log out will not display on the menu, and users will only be logged out when their browser session ends |
| |
Show virtual machine hard disk tab | Display the VM Hard disk tab |
| |
Redirect to this URL after logout (empty -> login screen) |
| If you do not enter a logout URL, the platform displays the login screen after the user logs out |
Default view after login | Home | Select from the list of Abiquo views - Home, Infrastructure, etc. The Home view dashboard is the system default. If another view is set as the system default and the user does not have enough privileges to display it, the Home view will display |
Show details of soft limits when reached | If you do not select this option, the soft limits message states that the user has reached the soft limit, and asks if they want to continue. See Manage virtual datacenters | Manage resource allocation limits for a virtual datacenter |
| |
Show details of hard limit when reached | If you do not select this option, the hard limits message states that the user has reached the hard limit and that the operation cannot be performed. See Manage virtual datacenters | Manage resource allocation limits for a virtual datacenter. |
| |
Workflow endpoint |
| Enter the URL endpoint for the workflow process. If workflow is enabled, Abiquo will send workflow requests to this URL. The workflow endpoint is the URL of the web application that connects to the workflow tool. If you do not have the URL for the workflow endpoint, check with your system administrator. See Abiquo workflow feature |
Enable workflow | If you select this option, the platform will hold deploy and reconfigure tasks and display the queue in Virtual datacenters view on the Workflow tasks tab. Before you enable workflow, enter the Workflow endpoint, otherwise any tasks in progress will fail because of the missing endpoint. See Abiquo workflow feature |
| |
Enable virtual machine monitoring by default | If you select this option and monitoring is configured, see Configure VM monitoring and metrics and monitoring properties at Abiquo configuration properties, by default the platform will fetch metrics for each VM and display all metrics on the VM graph. This property will apply to all VMs created after you change its value, including newly captured VMs. In the API, the value of client.main.monitorEnabled system property is set to 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled. |
| |
Infrastructure | Default | Notes | Info |
Default Abiquo template repo (will not be created if empty) |
| |
Default latitude for datacenters map | 41.3825 | The decimal latitude of the map location to display when the map opens in the Infrastructure view. The default value is for Barcelona. See Infrastructure view | Display infrastructure map |
Default longitude for datacenters map | 2.176944 | The decimal longitude of the map location to display when the map opens in the Infrastructure view. The default value is for Barcelona. See Infrastructure view | Display infrastructure map |
Default zoom level for datacenters map | 4 |
| |
Number of IP addresses in lists | 25 |
Allow remote access to virtual machines | If you select this option, you can click the console icon of a VM in a virtual datacenter to open a remote access console. This option does not affect remote shell access outside of Abiquo. Otherwise, the console icon is disabled. See Configure remote access to virtual machines |
| |
Refresh interval for virtual appliance deployment progress (seconds) | 5 | How often the background process checks the deployment of virtual appliances and updates the virtual appliance state. See Manage virtual appliances |
Default hypervisor password | temporal |
Default hypervisor port |
Default Hypervisor user | root |
Allowed virtual storage volume sizes (gigabytes) | 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 | The platform displays these values in gigabytes to select when adding a new volume in private cloud. Enter values separated by commas with no spaces. You can enter values with decimal places and values lower than one |
Default minimum network ID | 2 |
Default maximum network ID | 4094 |
Max quantity of IPs to create | 1022 |
Network | Default | Notes | Info |
Name | default_private_network | The name of the default private network |
Netmask | 24 | The network mask of the default private network |
Network address | | The network address of the default private network |
Gateway | | The gateway of the network. The gateway IP address must be inside the range defined by the network address and the network mask |
Primary DNS |
Secondary DNS |
DNS suffix |
Dashboard | Default | Notes | Info |
URL of documentation home page |
| |
Show Users button on main toolbar | If selected, the platform displays the Users view button, and administrators can edit users. If not selected, the platform does not display the button, and no one can edit users until the cloud administrator changes this option |
| |
URL to purchase licenses | /// | URL that will display in Abiquo to enable users to purchase licenses |
Enable maintenance mode | Enable the display of maintenance window notices. See Configure maintenance notices |
| |
Maintenance start time |
| Specify the start of the maintenance period in JavaScript date-time format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss.lo, for example, 2018-10-19T11:00:00.000+0200 |
Maintenance end time |
| Specify the end of the maintenance period in JavaScript date-time format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss.lo, for example, 2018-10-20T11:00:00.000+0200 |
Additional maintenance info URL |
| Link on the maintenance popup to add additional information about the maintenance. See Configure maintenance notices |
Restore default dashboards |
| Click this button to restore the default dashboards to display Metrics, Hybrid, and Optimization tabs. |
Security | Default | Notes | Info |
Enable two-factor authentication |
| ||
No. of previous passwords that cannot be repeated | 1 | Set a history value to prevent users from repeating old passwords. The platform will check new passwords against the password history. The range of values is 0 to 100, and the default value of 1 password means that users cannot repeat the previous password. To disable this check, set the value to 0 |
Maximum password age (days) | 0 | Prevent users from keeping the same password for a long time by setting a maximum password age. The range of values is from 0 to 999 days. To disable this check, set the value to 0 |
Minimum time between password changes (days) | 0 | Prevent users from quickly changing their password, especially back to an old password by setting a minimum password age. This is the minimum time from when a password is changed until the password can be changed again. The range of values is from 0 to 999 days. To disable this check, set the value to 0 |
Minimum password length | 8 | Prevent users from creating short passwords that are easier to break by setting a minimum password length. The range of values is from 1 to 21 characters |
Require complex password | If selected, the user must enter a complex password. A complex password must not contain the user's name and must include at least three of the following five categories - uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, non-alphanumeric characters, and other Unicode characters |
| |
Tries before user account is locked | 0 | Number of unsuccessful login attempts that a user can make before their account is locked. The range of values is 0 to 5 tries. The default value of 0 means that the check is disabled by default |
Account lock duration (minutes) | 1 | Length of time in minutes that a user account is locked after the user has made too many unsuccessful login attempts. The range of values is from 1 to 60 minutes |
Allow password reset | If selected, the platform will allow a user to reset their password. See Configure passwords. Further configuration and ReCaptcha is required |
| |
Reset password URI | http://localhost/ui/ | Enter a URI that the platform will redirect to when users request a password reset. See Configure passwords |
Guest password email enabled | Send guest password by email to the user email address. To configure guest password length and characters, see guest properties at Abiquo configuration properties |
| |
Guest password SMS gateway |
| The URL of an SMS gateway (e.g. for sending guest password by SMS. Leave empty to disable this feature. The platform will send an email to "user phone number@sms gateway" |
Wiki links | Default | Notes | Info |
Show help button | If selected, display the help button on all dialogs. When users click this icon, the platform will open the specific help page for the dialog or the default help page |
| |
Show default help button | For pop-ups without a specific help page link, display the default help button to link to the default help page |
| |
Default help URL | | URL of the default help page |
Configuration view wiki links table
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