Hot add and hot reconfigure of ESXi VMs

Hot add and hot reconfigure of ESXi VMs

Introduction to hot add and hot reconfigure

Abiquo supports CPU and RAM hot add for VM templates on ESXi hypervisors so that users can reconfigure VMs directly in the hypervisor, through the Abiquo user interface. Abiquo also supports hot reconfigure of NICs and remote access, as well as hot reconfigure to add or remove SCSI disks. After you enable these options, you can reconfigure (using the Abiquo UI or API) a VM that is ON or PAUSED without powering it off.


In Abiquo the hot-reconfigure of disks has the following limitations

  • IDE disks are not supported
  • Abiquo will save other changes to the boot sequence but it will not implement them in the hypervisor. To implement these changes, power off the VM and make another configuration change that will trigger a reconfigure

Enable hot-add and hot-reconfigure options in the user interface

Before you begin:

Enabling hot-add and hot-reconfigure options may have a performance penalty

To enable hot-add and hot-reconfigure options in a VM template:

  1. Edit the VM template and go to Advanced
  2. Check that the Operating system and OS version are correctly set for your system:

    1. Operating system typeto use the latest version of an operating system, select a generic type, e.g. WINDOWS, and do not enter the version. 

    2. OS version: to provide details of operating systems and add operating systems not included in the list of codes

    For full tables of operating systems and details, see VM template operating systems and Extended OVF Support and Template Definition.

  3. Select the appropriate hot-add and hot-reconfigure options for your VM from:
    • CPU hot-add
    • RAM hot-add
    • Disks hot-reconfigure
    • NICs hot-reconfigure
    • Remote access hot-reconfigure (except password changes)

  4. Click Save

Now you will be able to reconfigure the selected elements of the VM while it is powered on.


To enable hot-add and hot-reconfigure options in a VM template using the API, modify the template. See https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/VirtualMachineTemplatesResource.html 


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