Customize login text

Customize login text

The following screenshot is the Abiquo default login screen.

You can customize the text on the login screen for each language in the UI labels file.

To change the login text:

  1. Edit the lang_en_US_custom.json file in the /var/www/html/ui/lang folder. For more details, see Abiquo UI Client Language Configuration
  2. To customize the title text of "Hi, welcome to Abiquo", add the "login.welcome.title" label and set your value.
  3. To customize the comment text of "All clouds, one platform, ...", add the "login.welcome.text" label and set your value.

For example:

		"login.welcome.title": "Welcome",
		"login.welcome.text": "Get control of your hybrid cloud! =)"

The following screenshot shows the customized login text.

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