GUI Create backup manager

GUI Create backup manager

NameName to identify backup manager
TypeSelect the backup plugin type. After you save the backup manager, you cannot edit this attribute

This is the URL for connecting to the backup system API. Tip: When adding a Veeam backup manager, don't forget to add the slash "/" at the end of the URL.


Veeam 9.5u4: https://veeam.host.domain:9399/api/
Veeam 10: https://veeam.example.com:9398/api/
Networker: https://networker.host.domain:9090/nwrestapi/v3/global
Rubrik: https://rubrik.host.domain:4440/api


User for the backup system.

For Networker, and for Rubrik with vCloud you must also enter the vCenter user and the format is as follows:

  • Networker user#vCenter user
  • Rubrik user#vCenter user

By default the separator character is '#' but the administrator can change this value


Password for the backup system.

For Networker, and for Rubrik with vCloud only, you must also enter the vCenter password and the format is as follows:

  • Networker password#vCenter password
  • Rubrik password#vCenter password

By default the separator character is '#' but the administrator can change this value

Note: For networker, the vCenter credentials are mandatory. Networker uses these credentials for the "Restore a VM when it is not allocated" option

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