Run the stored procedure to recover accounting data

Run the stored procedure to recover accounting data

To generate missing data in the accounting_event_detail table, we have to run the kinton.UpdateAccounting() procedure for the time that data is missing or deleted from the accounting_event_detail table.

The steps to recover accounting data are:

  1. On the Abiquo database, run the following query to get the last date with the accounting data:

    SELECT MAX(startTime) FROM kinton_accounting.accounting_event_detail;
  2. On the Abiquo API or Reporting server, deactivate the accounting cron job during your data recovery process. You can find this job at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-accounting.cron

  3. On your database server, at the command prompt, run the UpdateAccounting procedure multiple times using the following command. Replace the <root_pwd> and <dbhost> with your server values and replace the date 2023-12-XX with the date returned in step 1 above.

    for ((i=0;i<=$((($(date +%s)-$(date +%s -d '2023-12-XX'))/(60*60*24)));i++));do mysql -uroot -p<root_pwd> -h<dbhost> -e "CALL kinton.UpdateAccounting();"; done
  4. Wait until the above command finishes because it may take some time to generate all the missing data

  5. Activate the accounting cron job again at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-accounting.cron

  6. To update the billing data on your dashboards and check the recovery, in the Abiquo UI, edit an enterprise, and go to Billing, and run Generate billing



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