Configure Azure VPNs

Configure Azure VPNs

To create a VPN in Abiquo between a private cloud virtual datacenter and Azure, you will need the following Azure ARM configuration for the enterprise:

  • A Gateway Subnet in the Virtual Network that represents the VPC

  • A Virtual Network Gateway (VNG) using this Gateway Subnet - if this does not exist, Abiquo will try to create it in the virtual network with the supplied netmask

  • A Local Network Gateway (LNG) that will represent the remote VPN site, which is not managed by Azure ARM

  • A Virtual Network Gateway Connection that relates the VNG to the LNG

    • All address spaces from the Virtual Network will be exposed through the Virtual Network Gateway.

To create the Azure VPN configuration, edit each enterprise that will use Azure VPNs and set the following Properties.





Type of routing to use by the Virtual Network Gateway.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-vpngateways.
To create a VPN from Azure to Azure, set to PolicyBased
Valid values: RouteBased, PolicyBased
Default: RouteBased


The Virtual Network Gateway requires a 'gateway subnet'.
If this does not exist, the plugin will try to create it in some available range of the virtual network,
using the mask given by this property
Default: 29


Name of the Virtual Network Gateway SKU.
Valid values: Basic, HighPerformance, Standard, UltraPerformance, VpnGw1, VpnGw2,
VpnGw3, VpnGw4, VpnGw5, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ, VpnGw1AZ
Only the Basic SKU is supported in case of using PolicyBased VPN.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-vpngateways#gwsku
Default: Basic

You can also set default values for the whole platform using the corresponding Abiquo Configuration Properties with an "abiquo." prefix, for example, abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.gatewaysubnet.mask

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