Prepare to add Office 365 products to Abiquo multicloud platform

Prepare to add Office 365 products to Abiquo multicloud platform


This page describes the prerequisites to use your platform for Microsoft products service so you can easily manage your Microsoft products, including Office 365.


For this tutorial, we assume you will start with the cloud admin. Optional users are:

  • A reseller administrator user with the privilege to Manage enterprise services

  • A cloud user in the customer enterprise with a role that has privileges to Use enterprise services and to Run actions on usable services. To allow the cloud user to display the billing dashboard, you can also assign the View bills.

Requirements to use the Microsoft products service in Abiquo

To use the Microsoft products service, you will need:

  1. Azure CSP pricing credentials

  2. An Azure public cloud region

  3. As a minimum, a basic public cloud hierarchy as follows. Also see diagram below.

    1. A reseller scope

    2. A reseller enterprise

      1. With Azure CSP pricing credentials

    3. A customer scope

    4. A key node customer enterprise

    5. A standard customer enterprise for each Azure plans subscription

      1. With an Azure subscription for compute and billing, or billing only

The following diagram shows the minimum basic public cloud hierarchy for using Microsoft Office 365.


If you are using Azure plans, you should also create a subtenant for each subscription.

To create the above configuration, see Onboard an Azure CSP or AWS organization account.

Optional additional configuration

Optionally, run billing for the reseller. Edit the reseller enterprise and go to CredentialsPricing and click the right arrow button, OR go to the Billing tab, select the provider, and click Regenerate billing

Optionally, capture VMs to manage in Abiquo if the credentials have compute capabilities. To manage VMs with Abiquo, onboard their virtual network (to create a virtual datacenter in Abiquo). See Onboard from public cloud

To configure currency conversion for UI dashboard, see Configure billing dashboard currency conversions


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