Configure the user icon menu

Configure the user icon menu


By default, users can configure their user accounts from the username menu or user icon menu.

To access the user icon menu, click on your user initials or avatar in the lower left corner of the screen.


User icon menu

Remove the Edit user option

To remove the Edit user option:

  1. Go to Configuration → Security

  2. Deselect the option to Allow user to change their password.

Do not let users enable 2fa

If 2fa is enabled on the platform but not enforced for a tenant, by default users can choose to enable it. To stop users from enabling 2fa, remove the Two factor authentication option:

  1. Set the client.2fa.activated property to false in the UI configuration.
    See Configure Abiquo UI

Let the user edit public cloud credentials

If a user cannot manage enterprises, but they need to manage credentials for their enterprise in public cloud, display the Edit credentials option:

  1. Edit the user’s role and assign the Manage provider credentials privilege

Let the user manage OAuth options

To allow a user to manage OAuth applications, display the Manage applications option:

  1. Edit the user role and assign the Manage OAuth applications privilege

Let the user access services

If a user cannot manage enterprises or users, but they need to use or manage services for them, display the My services option:

  1. Edit the user role and assign the following privileges: Manage user services, Manage enterprise services, Run actions on usable services

Let the user manage enterprise products

The user can purchase managed services for their enterprise as enterprise products. To allow a user to manage enterprise products for an enterprise, without the privileges to manage enterprises, display the Enterprise products option:

  1. Edit the user role and assign the following privileges: View enterprise products, Manage enterprise products

Do not let users log out

By default, when using standard platform authentication, users can log out of the UI. To prevent user logout, remove the Log out option:

  1. Go to ConfigurationGeneral

  2. Deselect the option to Allow user to log out

Redirect users after logout

By default, after logout the UI will redirect to the login screen. To configure a redirect after logout:

  1. Go to Configuration → General

  2. In the Redirect to this URL after logout field, enter a URL

To configure a redirect URL in the UI configuration as a default, if the above logout is not configured or for prior to login.

  1. Set the client.backto.url property. See Configure Abiquo UI

To configure login error screens, see Configure UI login errors.


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