Default UI configuration

Default UI configuration

This is the default UI configuration as found in the client-config-default.json file for Abiquo 6.2.0.

Note that Abiquo will replace the api.location and api.version variables during the install process. 

{ "config.languages" : [ { "value":"en_US", "name":"English", "isDefault":true, "lcid": "1033", "flagIconUrl": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/country_flags/united-states-of-america.svg" } ], "__comment": "Default values for autoscaling action.", "client.autoscaling.action.default": { "alarmOut": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_out", "statistic": "average", "formula": "greaterthan", "threshold": 80 }, "alarmIn": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_in", "statistic": "average", "formula": "lessthan", "threshold": 20 }, "alarm" : { "timeRangeMinutes": 60, "period": 60, "clientData": {} }, "actionPlanOut": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_out" }, "actionPlanIn": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_in" }, "alertOut": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_out" }, "alertIn": { "name": "SCALINGGROUPNAME_autoscaling_action_in" } }, "__comment": "Icons to load on a template if it doesn't have an iconUrl. Strict osType compare.", "client.ostype.icon.CENTOS": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-centos.png", "client.ostype.icon.CENTOS_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.DEBIAN": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-debian.png", "client.ostype.icon.DEBIAN_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.ECOMSTATION_32": "", "client.ostype.icon.ESXI": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-esx.png", "client.ostype.icon.FREEBSD": "", "client.ostype.icon.FREEBSD_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-linux.png", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX_2_4": "", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX_2_4_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX_2_6": "", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX_2_6_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.LINUX_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.MACOS": "", "client.ostype.icon.MANDRIVA": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-mandriva.png", "client.ostype.icon.MANDRIVA_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.NETBSD": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-netbsd.png", "client.ostype.icon.NOT_APPLICABLE": "", "client.ostype.icon.NOVELL_OES": "", "client.ostype.icon.OPENBSD": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-openbsd.png", "client.ostype.icon.ORACLE_ENTERPRISE_LINUX": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-oraclelinux.png", "client.ostype.icon.ORACLE_ENTERPRISE_LINUX_64": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-oraclelinux.png", "client.ostype.icon.OTHER": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-generic.png", "client.ostype.icon.OTHER_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.RHEL": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-redhat.png", "client.ostype.icon.RHEL_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.SLES": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-suse.png", "client.ostype.icon.SLES_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.SOLARIS": "", "client.ostype.icon.SOLARIS_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.SUSE": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-suse.png", "client.ostype.icon.SUSE_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.TURBOLINUX": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-turbolinux.png", "client.ostype.icon.TURBOLINUX_64": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-turbolinux.png", "client.ostype.icon.UBUNTU": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-ubuntu.png", "client.ostype.icon.UBUNTU_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.UNRECOGNIZED": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/icon-ostype-windows.png", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_7": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_8": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_8_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2003": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2003_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2008": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_64": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2011": "", "client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS_SERVER_2012": "", "__comment": "client.ostype.icon marked as generic for osTypes (non osType strict compare). Example: WINDOWS_MYCUSTOM_VERSION will be solved as client.ostype.icon.WINDOWS", "client.ostype.icon.generics": [ "CENTOS", "DEBIAN", "MANDRIVA", "LINUX", "OTHER", "RHEL", "SLES", "SUSE", "UBUNTU", "WINDOWS" ], "config.protocols" : [ {"value":"Custom protocol", "protocol":"", "port":"" }, {"value":"Own TCP rule", "protocol":"TCP", "port":"" }, {"value":"Own UDP rule", "protocol": "UDP", "port":"" }, {"value":"All Traffic", "protocol":"ALL", "port":"ALL" }, {"value":"All TCP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":"ALL" }, {"value":"All UDP", "protocol":"UDP", "port":"ALL" }, {"value":"All ICMP", "protocol":"ICMP", "port":"ALL" }, {"value":"SSH", "protocol":"TCP", "port":22 }, {"value":"SMTP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":25 }, {"value":"DNS", "protocol":"UDP", "port":53 }, {"value":"HTTP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":80 }, {"value":"POP3", "protocol":"TCP", "port":110 }, {"value":"IMAP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":143 }, {"value":"LDAP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":389 }, {"value":"HTTPS", "protocol":"TCP", 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"config.loadbalancerhealthcheck.default.timeout" : "", "config.loadbalancerhealthcheck.default.attempts" : "", "config.loadbalanceraddressessreuse" : false, "config.loadbalanceraddressessliteral": false, "config.loadbalanceraddressestype" : {}, "config.loadbalancer.targetgrouphealthcheckprotocols" : [ {"value":"HTTP", "protocol":"HTTP", "port":80}, {"value":"HTTPS", "protocol":"HTTPS", "port":443}, {"value":"TCP", "protocol":"TCP", "port":80 }, {"value":"TLS", "protocol":"TLS", "port":443 }, {"value":"UDP", "protocol":"UDP", "port":53 }, {"value":"TCP_UDP", "protocol":"TCP_UDP", "port":53 }, {"value":"GENEVE", "protocol":"GENEVE", "port":6081 } ], "config.monitoringstatistics" : [ {"value":"average", "name":"Average"}, {"value":"maximum", "name":"Maximum"}, {"value":"minimum", "name":"Minimum"}, {"value":"sum", "name":"Sum"}, {"value":"count", "name":"Count"}, {"value":"dev", "name":"Deviation"} ], "config.monitoringperiods" : [ {"value":"hours", "name":"Hours"}, {"value":"days", "name":"Days"} ], "egg.speak": "false", "config.endpoint": "${api.location}", "api.version":"${api.version}", "client.id":"abiquo_client_id", "client.license.warning.days.to.expire": 30, "client.backto.url": "", "client.modalblocker.timeout.milliseconds": 800, "client.window.title": "Abiquo", "client.poweredby.hide" : false, "client.google.tagmanagement.container.id":"", "rdpaccess.usesslproxy":true, "client.captcha.publickey" : "", "client.external.js.loader.url" : "externaljsloadertemplate.html", "client.google.maps.enabled": true, "client.google.maps.key": "", "client.password.recovery": true, "client.remoteaccess.novnc.host": "", "client.remoteaccess.novnc.port": "41337", "client.offline":false, "config.enterprise.properties" : [], "config.enterprise.onlyuseproviders" : false, "client.backup.policies.poweredvmeditable": false, "client.backup.policies.multipleselectionallowed": false, "client.backup.restore.allowreplicabackuprestore": true, "client.debug.metrics.create": false, "client.module.tickets.enabled": false, "client.virtualmachine.services.patchingcycles.enabled": false, "client.virtualmachine.services.endpoint": "", "client.virtualmachine.services.translate.labels": ["title", "name", "stepLabel", "serviceDisplayText", "displayText", "description", "validationMessage", "placeholder"], "client.virtualmachine.services.translate.labels.filter": ["template", "helpvalue"], "client.virtualmachine.services.credentials.user": "", "client.virtualmachine.services.credentials.password": "", "client.virtualmachine.services.nodes.pagination.limit": 45, "client.virtualmachine.services.added.pagination.limit": 10, "client.skip.login.view": false, "client.header.link.usersmanagement":"", "client.footer.about.hide" : false, "client.footer.support.hide" : false, "client.wiki.version" : "doc", "client.classicfirewalls.enabled": false, "client.cookies.policy.url" : "https://www.abiquo.com/Privacy-Policy/ ", "client.cookies.cookiespolicy.url" : "", "client.header.externalurlicons": [], "client.asynctask.missingvars.schema": { "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : false, "properties" : { "nsx.gateway.network-id" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "V(X)LAN tag for the uplink network" }, "nsx.gateway.network" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "CIDR of the uplink network" }, "nsx.gateway.datacenter" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Id of the datacenter where the uplink portgroup will be created" }, "nsx.gateway.dvs" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Id of the distributed virtual switch where the uplink port group will be attached" }, "nsx.gateway.bgp.as" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "BGP AS used in the gateway" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.peers" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" }, "description" : "IP addresses for the BGP peers at the edge." }, "nsx.edge.uplink.ips" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" }, "description" : "IP addresses for the ESG uplinks" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.as" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "BGP AS used in the ESGs" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.hold-down-timer" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Hold down time for edge BGP" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.keep-alive-timer" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Keep alive time for edge BGP" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.weight" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Weight for edge BGP" }, "nsx.local.bgp.as" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Local AS used in the internal BGP" }, "nsx.local.bgp.hold-down-timer" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Hold down time for local BGP" }, "nsx.local.bgp.keep-alive-timer" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Keep alive time for local BGP" }, "nsx.local.bgp.weight" : { "type" : "integer", "description" : "Weight for local BGP" }, "nsx.transit.network" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Transit network" }, "nsx.gateway.bgp.from-edge-password" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Password for edge BGP" }, "nsx.edge.bgp.from-local-password" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Password for local BGP" }, "nsx.virtualwire.teaming" : { "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "failover_explicit", "loadbalance_ip", "loadbalance_loadbased", "loadbalance_srcid", "loadbalance_srcmac" ], "description" : "VirtualWires teaming mode" }, "nsx.edge.esg.size" : { "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "compact", "large", "quadlarge", "xlarge" ], "description" : "ApplianceSize for edge ESG" }, "nsx.edge.dhcp.size" : { "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "compact", "large", "quadlarge", "xlarge" ], "description" : "ApplianceSize for edge DHCP" }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.dhcp-conf-name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the NSX-T DHCP Profile used to create Tier-1 VPCs. NSX-T UI path is: Policy - Networking - IP Management - DCHP " }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.tier0-name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the NSX-T Tier-0 used to create the Tier-1 VPCs. NSX-T UI path is: Policy - Networking - Tier-0 Gateway" }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.edge-cluster-name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the NSX-T Edge Cluster used to create Tier-1 VPCs. NSX-T UI path is: Policy - System - Fabric - Nodes - Edge Clusters" }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.transport-zone-name" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Name of the NSX-T Transport Zone (overlay) used to create segments / networks. NSX-T UI path is: Policy - System - Fabric - Transport Zones" }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-dnat-sources" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Allow traffic from the Tier-0 specified networks. List of IPs or CIDRs in CSV format, or the name of a single NSX-T group that already exists." }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-snat-destinations" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Allow traffic to the Tier-0 specified networks. List of IPs or CIDRs in CSV format, or the name of a single NSX-T group that already exists." }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-dnat-sources-public" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "Allow traffic from internet." }, "abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-snat-destinations-public" : { "type" : "boolean", "description" : "Allow traffic to internet." } } }, "client.dashboard.widgets.defaultvalues": { "maxCPU": 80, "maxRAM": 80, "minCPU": 30, "minRAM": 30 }, "client.dashboard.widgets.mindaysdeployed": 90, "client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.lastmonths": 5, "client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.currenciesconversions": [ { "currencyCode": "USD", "symbol": "$", "conversions": [ { "currencyCode": "EUR", "values":[ { "month": "default", "value": 1.1 }] }] }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "symbol": "€", "conversions": [ { "currencyCode": "USD", "values":[ { "month": "default", "value": 0.9 }] }] }], "client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.additionalproviders": [], "client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.excludedproviders": 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true }, { "name":"costusagereports", "available": true }], "client.budget.currencies": [ {"label": "€", "value": "EUR"} ], "__comment": "Example with all login modules available:", "---client.login.modules": [ { "label": "Basic Auth", "description": "Basic Auth login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/basicauthentication/partials/basicauthenticationloginview.html", "cookieName": "" }, { "label": "Open ID", "description": "Open ID login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/openid/partials/openidloginview.html", "cookieName": "ABQOIDCTOKENS" }, { "label": "SAML", "description": "SAML login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/saml/partials/samlloginview.html", "cookieName": "ABQSAMLTOKENS" }, { "label": "SAML + user", "description": "SAML login with user domain", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/samlform/partials/samlformloginview.html", "cookieName": "ABQSAMLTOKENS" } ], "client.login.modules": [ { "label": "Basic Auth", "description": "Basic Auth login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/basicauthentication/partials/basicauthenticationloginview.html", "cookieName": "" } ], "client.login.errors": [ { "message": "Too many failed attempts to login", "code": "401-TooManyAttempts" }, { "message": "User account is locked", "code": "401-UserAccountLocked" }, { "message": "The supplied access token is not valid", "code": "403-InvalidToken" } ], "client.2fa.activated":true, "client.vm.datastoretiers.useonlyrecommended": false, "client.publiccredentials.accountsinfo": { "AMAZON": { "portalLink": "https://aws.amazon.com/", "accountInfo": ["accountnumber"] }, "azurecompute-arm": { "portalLink": "https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/azure-portal/", "separator":"#", "accountInfo": ["subscriptionid", "appid", "tenantid"] }, "VCD": { "portalLink": "https://e1c.etisalatdigital.ae/", "accountInfo": ["organizationname"] } }, "client.createvmpopup.button.enabled": true, "client.monitoring.button.alwaysdisplayed": true, "__comment": "Icons to load on service schemas.", "client.xaas.schema.icon.default": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/default.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.amazon": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/amazon.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.awx": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/awx.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.azure": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/azure.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.azuresql": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/sqlazure.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.azuresqlfirewall": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/azuresqldatabase.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.dns": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/dns.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.json": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/json.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.mysql": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/mysql.jpg", "client.xaas.schema.icon.rds": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/rds.png", "client.xaas.schema.icon.route53": "theme/abicloudDefault/img/xaas/route53.png", 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Example: WINDOWS_MYCUSTOM_VERSION will be solved as client.xaas.schema.icon.WINDOWS", "client.xaas.schema.icon.generics": [ "json", "awx", "dns", "mysql", "route53", "azuresql", "azuresqlfirewall", "azuremysql", "rds", "openshift", "helm", "kubernetespod", "kubernetes", "microsoft", "msazure", "msoffice", "msusers" ], "client.theme.elementsgroups": ["cookies","button","mainsection","list","popup","other"], "client.theme.basicmodemaps": { "mainColor": ["mainmenuselectedsectionbackgroundcolor","mainbuttongeneral","mainbuttondisabled","mainbuttonhover","activebutton","linkbutton","checkbox","paginationnumbercolor","mainlistselecteditem","selectedtabunderlinecolor","popupheadercolor","popupleftmenu","scrollchromethumb","scrollchromehover","scrollfirefox","gridselectedrow"], "includeColorAttribute": ["linkbutton","paginationnumbercolor"], "secondaryColor": ["maintopsectionbar","mainmenucolor"] }, "client.theme.basic.definitions": ["mainColor", "secondaryColor"], "client.theme.classobjects": [ { "title": "Enterprise logo", "type": "mainsection", "id": "enterpriselogo", "className": ".main-menu-logo .enterprise-logo", "properties": [ { "key": "background-image", "value": "", "isImage":true } ] }, { "title": "Main top section bar", "type": "mainsection", "id": "maintopsectionbar", "className": ".page-title-white", "properties": [ { "key": "background-color", "value": "" }, { "key": "color", "value": "" } ] }, { "title": "Main top section enterprise button background color", "type": "mainsection", "id": "maintopsectionenterprisebutton", "className": ".badge-secondary", "advanced": true, "properties": [ { "key": "background-color", "value": "" }, { "key": "color", "value": "" } ] }, { "title": "Main menu icons image", "type": "mainsection", "id": "mainmenuiconsimage", "className": ".main-menu .centering-container-menu li .main-menu-section-link span", "properties": [ { "isImage": true, "key": "background-image", "value": "" } ] }, { "title": "Main menu color", "type": 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