Search for resources by tags

Search for resources by tags

Abiquo lets you search for resources by tags, tag keys, and values. You can then use these filters to select groups of resources for automation with action plans.

To search for resources by tags and filter the search:

  1. Go to Control Tag management → Search

  2. Click the funnel Filter button

  3. Select tag details for a filter

    1. Types of resources

    2. Keys

    3. Values

  4. Click Add to create a filter

  5. Select Any match (OR) or Strict (AND) to combine the filters

  6. Click Search

The platform will display the entities with tags that match the filters.

 Search and filter tags in Control view
Search and filter tags in Control view

To display details of the tags on a resource:

  1. Select the resource line on the Entities panel

The platform will display the tag details including if the tag is Materialized, which means that the tag exists in the provider.

To jump to a resource, such as a virtual datacenter, virtual appliance, or a VM:

  1. Click the resource Name on the Tags panel

To modify the filters:

  • To remove a specific filter, click the trash bin Delete button beside a filter

  • To remove all filters, click Clear

For examples, see Tag search filter examples

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