Customize the cookie message and privacy policy

Customize the cookie message and privacy policy

Abiquo enables you to customize a cookie message and add links to your Privacy policy and Cookies policy.

Abiquo cookies and privacy buttons
Abiquo cookies and privacy buttons


Customize the cookie message

To customize the cookie message and button labels for this feature:

  1. Edit the custom language files for the languages on your platform, for example, lang_en_US_custom.json

  2. Change the default labels for the cookie message and the privacy policy, which are as follows. 

    "login.cookies.info":"The Abiquo Cloud Platform uses cookies to give you a consistent experience as you use the service. If you want to know more, please read our privacy policy.", "login.cookies.accept.button":"I understand", "login.cookies.policy.button":"Privacy policy", "login.cookies.cookiespolicy.button":"Cookies policy",
  3. At the end of the file, add the __EOF label, for example:

    "login.cookies.cookiespolicy.button":"Cookies policy", "__EOF": "End of file" }

    If you do not add the __EOF label, the UI will not load correctly and the login form will not display.

  4. Save your file in UTF-8 format

  5. To display your changes, reload the UI

For more details, see Abiquo UI client language configuration


Configure a privacy policy and cookies policy

To configure a privacy policy and/or cookies policy:

  1. Create your policy file/s in HTML format. 

  2. Make the files available on a web server

    • You can add it to the Abiquo UI Server filesystem in an appropriate content folder, where it will be served by the UI web server. 

  3. Edit the client-config-custom.json file and enter a custom URL to override the default URL. 

    1. Privacy policy

      "client.cookies.policy.url" : "https://www.abiquo.com/Privacy-Policy/"
    2. Cookies policy

For more details, see Configure Abiquo UI


Abiquo cookies

  • Abiquo creates the following cookie for use by the Abiquo Server:

    • ABQSESSIONID tracks user sessions

      • To display Users → Users → Show logged

      • To remove stale sessions

      This cookie does not handle user authentication

  • The Abiquo UI creates cookies for Google Analytics

  • Abiquo creates the following cookies to improve the user experience with the user interface and stores them on the user's local system

    • _cle saves the user cookie agreement (I understand button click)

    • userChoices

      • automaticallyOpenServersView from Create datacenter dialog

      • automaticallyOpenVappView from Create virtual appliance dialog

      • automaticallyOpenTutorials from login

      • automaticallyOpenMaintenance from login

    • Store user login method

      • ABQOIDCTOKENS for Open ID login

      • ABQSAMLCOOKIE for SAML login

_cle: user cookie agreement

User cookie agreement
User cookie agreement

userChoices: automaticallyOpenServersView


userChoices: automaticallyOpenVappView


userChoices: automaticallyOpenTutorials


userChoices: automaticallyOpenMaintenance


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