Manage users for tenant admin
Display users
To display users:
Click the User icon on the Main menu
Create a user
See Create a user
Search for users and filter users
To search for users and filter users to display only those with specific text in the user details:
Go to Users view → Users
In the filter box on the right-hand side, enter a text string to search for which can include wildcards.
For more details about how the platform's search works, see Search for VMs and filter the search
Display user cards
To display users in card view, select the card view tab from the view selectors in the top right-hand corner.
Display users by status
In list view, the user status a colored icon in the Activated column:
Green dot for active accounts
Red dot for suspended accounts
Red padlock symbol for accounts suspended automatically after too many failed login attempts
To filter groups of users, click on the pages to display the following:
All users on the All page
Active users on the Activated page
Suspended users on the Suspended page
Suspend or enable a user account
If you need to stop a user from working with or logging in to the platform on a temporary basis, you can suspend the user account.
To suspend a user account:
Go to Users
Select a user
Click the pencil edit button. The user dialog will open
Go to Advanced, and unselect the Activated checkbox
The platform will suspend the account. When a user account is suspended, the platform will log the user out immediately. Be careful not to disable your own account! Fortunately, the main cloud administrator account cannot be disabled.
To enable the user account again, select the Activated checkbox.
If the user makes too many failed login attempts, the platform will automatically suspend their account for the account lock duration or until it is enabled by an administrator.
Manually reset a user password
If a user cannot automatically reset their password or if the user account is locked for too many password attempts, you can manually reset the password and unlock the account.
To manually reset a user password:
Open the Users view and select the user
Click the Edit button at the top-right of the Users page. The user form will open.
Enter the new password
Recommended: go to Advanced and select the checkbox to Reset password on next login
If the user account is locked and you wish to unlock it, go to Advanced, and select the Activated option
Click Save. If the user is currently logged in, they will be automatically logged out when you save a new password,
The user password will be reset. Notify the user of their new password.
Delete a user
To delete a user:
Select the user account and click the trash bin delete button
Confirm the delete
Abiquo will delete the user account but the user's VMs and other resources will remain in the cloud platform and users in the same enterprise with the appropriate permissions can work with them.
Manage users with the API
For the Abiquo API documentation of this feature, see Abiquo API Resources and the page for this resource UsersResource.
See also: How to create a tenant via API
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