Abiquo Kubernetes service
- 1 Introduction to the Abiquo Kubernetes service
- 2 Abiquo Kubernetes service summary
- 2.1 Requirements
- 2.2 Default configuration
- 2.3 Entities
- 2.4 Kubernetes actions reference
- 2.5 Subservices
- 3 Abiquo Kubernetes namespace service summary
- 4 Abiquo Kubernetes pod service summary
- 4.1 Requirements
- 4.2 Default configuration
- 4.3 Entities
- 4.4 Status
- 4.5 Kubernetes pod actions reference
Introduction to the Abiquo Kubernetes service
Abiquo Kubernetes service summary
The Kubernetes service allows namespaces to be created or imported. This is based on the kubectl get namespace
A Kubernetes installation
Default configuration
Connection attribute (a CA certificate is commonly required in Kubernetes clients for additional security)
An Abiquo enterprise can have a Kubernetes installation: create this for the enterprise and set connection attributes
Kubernetes actions reference
listNamespaces: retrieve current Namespaces
Kubernetes Namespace service
Kubernetes Pod service
Abiquo Kubernetes namespace service summary
The Kubernetes namespace service allows namespaces to be deleted and pods to be imported or created. This is based on the kubectl run
and kubectl create
A Kubernetes installation
Some namespaces (can be found in the Kubernetes service)
Default configuration
Kubernetes service configuration
An existing namespace
This service can be added at multiple levels. For example, an Abiquo enterprise can have a Kubernetes service: create this for the enterprise and set connection attributes. Then create a new namespace service for each virtual datacenter (for example) or user.
Kubernetes namespace actions reference
listPods : retrieve current pods -> List of PodService
createPod: given a URL, YAML or name+image (see kubectl create / kubectl run) -> PodService
Kubernetes Pod service
Abiquo Kubernetes pod service summary
The Kubernetes pod service represents a running pod. Use it to check status, run commands and delete.
A Kubernetes installation
A namespace
A pod name (can be found in the Kubernetes namespace service)
Default configuration
Kubernetes service configuration
An existing namespace
A pod name
Using a Kubernetes namespace service that can be used by virtual appliances, this service can import or create pods and assign them to virtual appliances
Current state (pod IP, hostIP, container statuses, volumes, output etc)
State summary (service icon color): nostate (progress), someWaiting (progress), allTerminated (warning), running (done - green)
Kubernetes pod actions reference
exec: given a command run it inside the pod-> Output
delete: destroy the pod
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