OCI load balancers table

OCI load balancers table

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Abiquo supports load balancers with target groups.

Abiquo Element

Notes and OCI load balancing elements

Abiquo Element

Notes and OCI load balancing elements



Load balancer name

Cannot be longer than 1024 characters and must contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.



  • LOAD_BALANCER_MICRO (bandwidth: 10Mbps)

  • LOAD_BALANCER_SMALL (bandwidth: 100Mbps)

  • LOAD_BALANCER_MEDIUM (bandwidth: 400Mbps)

  • LOAD_BALANCER_LARGE (bandwidth: 8000Mbps)

  • LOAD_BALANCER_FLEXIBLE (flexible shape will have a minimum bandwidth of 150Mbps and maximum of 1500Mbps by default, cannot be updated from Abiquo, but can be modified from the provider.)


For network load balancer:




For other types:





Public load balancers need a regional subnet (recommended) or 2 zonal subnets from different zones. Private load balancers can use a regional or zonal subnet.
Subnets used by public load balancers need to have an internet gateway.
Subnets used by private load balancers cannot have an internet gateway.

Public network load balancers only need one regional or zonal subnet with internet gateway.

Routing rules


    • You must create at least one routing rule. There must always be at least one routing rule in the load balancer

    • You can only create one routing rule per protocol

    • Routing rule uses conditional actions. When creating a routing rule, the selected target group will be the forward action target of the default conditional action.

    • A target group can only be used by a single routing rule.

    • Routing rule are load balancer listeners in OCI

Routing rule conditional actions

Only default conditional action is supported. The default conditional action can only forward all the traffic to one target group.

Routing rule protocol in

Network load balancer:

  • UDP

  • TCP


Other types:

  • HTTP


  • HTTP2

  • TCP

Routing rule port in

Network load balancer: Use 0 for any port or a value between 1 and 65535.

Other types: A value between 1 and 65535

SSL certificate

Can be a new or existing certificate.

Only Certificate Service Managed certificates are supported.

New SSL certificates are created in the root compartment.

Conditional actions

Only default conditional action is supported. The conditional action can only have a single forward action which forwards all traffic to a single target group.

Target group

Each target group has a health check.
A target group can only belong to a single load balancer.
A target group can only be used by one routing rule.
Target groups are backend sets in OCI.

Health check

Health checks are per target group.


If a firewall does not display, it may not have been properly synchronized. In this case, you will need to click Cancel, synchronize firewalls and restart the process of creating a new load balancer. Firewalls are network security groups in OCI

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