Configure provider list in dashboard billing widgets
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This page describes a UI configuration for billing dashboards to exclude providers that applies to Abiquo 6.0.6.
The following billing widgets can display data from more than one provider:
Last bills
Estimated bills
These billing widgets may display a selector so you can choose the provider to display. This selector may appear in widget configuration or on the billing dashboard.
The API gets the default list of bill providers based on the allowed datacenters and public cloud regions.
Add additional providers
You can add custom providers for display on the dashboard billing widgets. If you are using Abiquo private billing, then you can activate the provider type “ONPREMISE” to display the billing data for all private cloud resources. To do this, configure the UI with the following property in the client-config-custom.json file.
"client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.additionalproviders": ["ONPREMISE"]
Exclude providers
You can exclude a list of providers from display on the dashboard billing widgets. If you are using Abiquo private billing, then you may wish to deactivate the standard providers, such as “ABIQUO-VCENTER_CLUSTER”. You could also deactivate a public cloud provider, such as “azurecompute-arm”. To do this, configure the UI with the following property in the client-config-custom.json file.
"client.dashboard.widgets.lastbills.excludedproviders": ["ABIQUO-VCENTER_CLUSTER", "azurecompute-arm"]
Configuration example
To configure the provider list:
Go to the UI configuration folder.
Create or edit the
fileAdd the configuration properties as required. Here is a basic example of a custom UI configuration that includes a different URL for the UI and the above properties.
For more details, see Configure Abiquo UI.
What are the default billing providers?
For billing dashboards and for budgets, the Abiquo UI gets the list of billing providers using the API (List bill providers of the Bills resource at The API gets the bill providers from the allowed public cloud regions and datacenters (from the Datacenter limits resource at
For public cloud Abiquo displays the provider name, and for private cloud it displays the hypervisor type of the datacenter, in the format ABIQUO-{hypervisor type}. For the list of hypervisor types, see the Hypervisor types resource at
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