API Changelog v3.1
Abiquo API Changes
Abiquo API 3.1 Changelog
The Abiquo 3.1 API will officially include support for:
- load balancers in public cloud, including AWS and RackSpace
- recommended hardware profiles
- workflow per tenant
Summary of new resources and methods
Load Balancing
- LoadBalancerResource
- LoadBalancerAddressesResource
- LoadBalancerHealthStateResource
- LoadBalancerVirtualMachinesResource
Changes to
- VirtualMachineResource
- VirtualDatacenterResource
New, Deprecated and Changed Media Types
- new media types added for load balancers
- changes to other media types for load balancers
- VirtualDatacenter
- VirtualMachine
- changes to license media type
Workflow per Tenant
The enterprise media type has been modified to include a new boolean element "workflow". By default this value is false. To enable workflow for an enterprise, perform a put to the enterprise and set workflow to true.
Licenses per Plugin
The license will contain a comma separated list of supported plugins. Each element in the list corresponds to the "name" field of the hypervisor type (as returned by the "api/config/hypervisortypes" resource).
The property "enabledPlugins" in the returned object works as follows:
- If the field is NOT present, then ALL plugins are enabled.
- If the field is present but EMPTY, then NO plugin is enabled. The license does not allow you to use plugins.
- If the field is present and has a value, then only the plugins listed in it are available.
- Take into account that in Abiquo licenses are incremental. If you have two licenses, each one enabling one plugin, in practice both plugins will be enabled.
Here is an example of a request to the license resource and the response (when listing all or getting a single license) if the license is restricted to some plugins:
$ curl -u user:password https://abiquo.example.com/api/config/licenses | json_pp { "collection" : [ { "enabledPlugins" : "AMAZON,VMX_04,KVM,rackspace-cloudservers-us", "expiration" : "2013-01-01 00:00:00", "numcores" : 40, "id" : 3, "code" : "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", "links" : [ { "rel" : "edit", "href" : "https://abiquo.example.com:443/api/config/licenses/3", "type" : "application/vnd.abiquo.license+json", "title" : "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" } ] } ], "availablecores" : 0, "links" : [] }
Plugin Changes
Regions and their Hardware Profiles
- Hardware profiles for AWS updated
- Recommended hardware profiles can be added to virtual machine templates. Add links to the recommended profiles to the data object and perform a put request on the template.
Details of Changes to Resources
Apart from the new resources added as linked above, the following changes have been made to existing resources.
Config Resource Changes
Hypervisor Type Resource
Cloud Resource Changes
Location Resource
Now the publiccloudregion or datacenter representation returns links to the loadbalancer, addresses and sslcertificate management.
curl --verbose -XGET http://admin:xabiquo@
Extract of response showing loadbalancers, addresses and sslcertificates
Virtual Datacenter Resource
Virtual Machine Resource
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