Troubleshooting Configuration Problems

Troubleshooting Configuration Problems

This document provides a list of quick answers to issues caused by incorrect configuration.

Events Problems

Events are not available


No events are available in Abiquo.


Check the default_outbound_api_user in Abiquo. You may need to configure some of the M properties in the abiquo.properties file on the server where M will run. By default, M runs on the Abiquo Server.  The  API location is required  and  if you change the   M user or password, you must update the M user account details . See Troubleshooting Events and Outbound API Configuration

Only Events Related to Roles Are Displayed


No events except those related to roles are displayed.


Verify that you correctly configured the network when you installed Abiquo. If you configured one of the eth addresses using DHCP, it has to deliver a hostname and gateway address. To verify this is properly configured, access the /etc/hosts file and check if your hostname appears in it; if not, add it.

Infrastructure Problems

Abiquo not connecting to database (Bad handshake)


Attempting to connect to MySQL or MariaDB fails with message: "Error 1043: Bad handshake" when trying to connect with support for pre-4.1 hashed password.


The parameter "old_passwords" must be set to "0" in "/etc/my.cnf" file.

If compatibility with pre-4.1 hashed passwords is needed in your environment a downgrade to version 5.1.56 is the solution until the bug fix is shipped with a newer version.

Remote Services Error Despite Green Lights on Checks


When creating a new Physical Data Center, Abiquo gives an error that some of the remote services aren't properly configured although every check is green.


  1. Review the NFS configuration in the file /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties.
  2. Restart the Tomcat server "service abiquo-tomcat restart".
  3. Check there is a file in the directory /opt/vm_repository/ named ".abiquo_repository".

NetApp Storage Access Failure

  • Cannot access NetApp storage device
  • Edit the storage device in Infrastructure view and check NetApp credentials

NetApp credentials properties were changed to GUI properties in v2.0. Since v2.0, NetApp credentials are entered when creating or editing the storage device in Infrastructure view in the Abiquo GUI. The NetApp credentials properties in abiquo.properties will not be read.

Appliance Library Problems

Downloaded Virtual Machine Templates Do Not Appear in the Appliance Library

  • The server has been installed or restarted recently.
  • Images appear as downloaded in the remote repository.
  • No images appear in the Appliance Library.

Check that the NFS repository is correctly configured.

Appliance Manager Problems

Appliance Manager is not working

  • Appliance Manager is not working
  • NFS server is located on the same machine as the remote services.
  • Error message: "Can't validate ''abiquo.appliancemanager.repositoryLocation'' It's a local repository"

Disable the check for mounted repositories by setting the property "abiquo.appliancemanager.checkMountedRepository" to false on /opt/abiquo/config/abiquo.properties. By default this property is set to true.

Virtual Datacenters Problems

General Storage Troubleshooting on ESX and ESXi


An external volume is not attached or operational when used in managed storage, generic iSCSI storage volumes or persistent virtual machines, but there is no notification in the GUI or API.


If a volume has been removed or replaced in the storage device, Abiquo may try to attach a volume that does not exist or is a completely different to one previously configured. The volume will not be attached or operational, but there will be no notification in the GUI or API.

Abiquo avoids performing a full HBA rescan of storage on ESX or ESXi for performance reasons. Instead it checks for a raw device mapping for a given IQN and LUN. If the raw device mapping is not correct, this problem may occur.


This problem can be resolved by manually performing a full HBA rescan of all ESX or ESXi hosts that had raw device mappings for the devices involved.

Rescan HBAs

In the VMware vSphere or VI Client you can rescan all HBAs by clicking the Configuration tab, then clicking Storage Adapters. Next, click the Rescan link and OK to continue.

Cannot Initialize the Extended Disks Error in ESXi

  • Deploy in ESXi. The VM is not deployed and the message "Cannot initialize the extended disks" is displayed

VCenter is managing the ESXi machine. There is already an existing VM with the same name. VCenter renames the new VM but then Abiquo cannot find it.


Remove the orphaned VM with the same name.

Not Enough Resources Available


When deploying, you receive the notification: "Not enough resources available".


The problem is there are not physical machines with enough resources (HD, CPU, RAM) to deploy the virtual machine.
There are 2 possible solutions:

  • Undeploy some virtual machines
  • Make sure you have a physical machine with enough resources to be able to deploy

Persistent Virtual Machine Process Does Not Work Because of Missing iSCSI Client


Check for the existence of a message like "command not found" in the log.


The V2V or Remote Services machine or the target Hypervisor (if the error is at deploy time) does not have the iSCSI client installed. Check that the machine has the open-iscsi package installed.

Persistent Process Does Not Work Because of Missing iSCSI Server


Check for a message like "could not send targets"


Communication between machines may be broken. A network error could have occurred because of a firewall, a timeout, etc. The iSCSI server may be down (stopped or broken). Check that the iSCSI service is up and running. Then check that you can telnet from the BPM machine to the storage machine, to the host port.
For more information, see storage servers.

If you suspect that the client service is down, run this command with one of the options on server:

/etc/init.d/iscsid [restart | stop | status]

In Nexenta:

To check if services are enabled:

root@nexenta: svcs svc:/network/iscsi/target:default svc:/system/stmf:default
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         7:56:29  svc:/system/stmf:default
online         7:56:30  svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

To enable services in Nexenta (remember that you should log in to Nexenta as admin. Then change privileges by using su (and not su-))

root@nexenta: svcadm enable svc:/system/stmf:default
root@nexenta: svcadm enable svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

Persistent Process Does Not Work Because of Error in Cloning

  • Check for a message like "disk doesn't have enough space"
  • The conversion to RAW finished, the volume is created but the image is not dumped to the volume, resulting in the message:
[!] deploy: Error cloning

Delete volumes to free space in the storage pool.

Hyper-V Does Not Deploy Images


An error occurred when calling the deploy operation in a Hyper-V machine. This error appears in the log:

13:02:15.374 INFO  c.a.v.machine.impl.AbsHyperVMachine - Cloning the virtual disk from: \\\opt\vm_repository\1\rs.bcn.abiquo.com\centos_vhd\cent
os.vhd to C:\\ABQ_50a782d5-e535-425d-a552-545eb699d849.vhd 
13:02:15.601 ERROR c.a.v.utils.hyperv.HyperVUtils - Monitoring job result error:
        ErrorCode: 32768 ErrorDescription: 'The system failed to convert '\\\opt\vm_repository\1\rs.bcn.abiquo.com\centos_vhd\centos.vhd'. Error
 Code: The network name cannot be found.
13:02:15.614 ERROR c.a.v.machine.impl.AbsHyperVMachine - Failed to deploy machine :
org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: An error was occurred when calling an operation in a Hyper-V machine

Although the URI is correct, Hyper-V accesses the filesystem using Samba. In Samba, the directory is aliased as vm_repository. To change this directory go to the server, /opt/abiquo/config (remember that this path could be in a chroot system). Then edit the abiquo.properties file and enter the following property containing the IP address of the CIFS server:

    abiquo.virtualfactory.hyperv.repositoryLocation = //<SERVER_IP>/vm_repository/

and restart the Tomcat server.

Hyper-V Does Not Create an Instance

  • Only happens in Hyper-V
  • This error appears in Events:
    • Error bundling VirtualAppliance: number
    • An error occurred when calling an operation in a Hyper-V machine
  • This error appears in the log:
ErrorCode: 32769 ErrorDescription: 'The system failed to convert 'C:\\localRepository\\e13fcbec-2475-46c1-9f90-66aa1f2850be.vhd'. Error Code: General
access denied error14:54:17.420 ERROR c.a.v.v.i.VirtualapplianceresourceDeployer - An error occurred: org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: An error was occurred
when calling an operation in a Hyper-V machineErrorCode: 32769. ErrorDescription:
'The system failed to convert 'C:\\localRepository\\e13fcbec-2475-46c1-9f90-66aa1f2850be.vhd'. Error Code: General access denied error



Check the smb.conf file is correctly configured. This file is configured during installation. For more information, see VM repository folder.

Hyper-V Does Not Deploy Persistent Virtual Machine with Storage

  • Persistent VM is properly generated
  • When deploying a persistent VM or a VM with storage, this message is displayed in the log: Connection refused.

The physical machine does not have the right port. Change it to the correct one. You can check this port in the hypervisortype table in the DB.

Cannot Deploy in XenServer


When deploying, notification in tracer: "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_47The SR is not available [opterr=no such directory /var/run/sr-mount/fe1a9f24-3699-a02d-e226-dfc59db6b596]" .


NFS mount point is unreachable by XenServer. Connect to XenCenter and delete the Abiquo repositories (ONLY the Abiquo repositories) of the XenServer machines that are failing. To delete them you must Detach and Forget.
Once deleted, try to deploy again. The Abiquo repository should appear again in XenServer and the VM should deploy successfully.

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